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    Ivan Mirchuk and Slavic philosophical Congress in Warsaw
    Sententiae 25 (2): 174-176. 2011.
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    Formal and Informal Methods in Philosophy (edited book)
    with Marcin Będkowski, Anna Brożek, Alicja Chybińska, and Dominik Traczykowski
    Brill | Rodopi. 2020.
    The title of this book refers to the tension between formal and informal elements in the ways analytical philosophy is practiced. The authors examine questions of the scopes and limits of both kinds of research methods.
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    Borys Dombrovski
    Ruch Filozoficzny 75 (1): 138. 2019.
  • Mirona Zaryckiego koncepcja relacji matematyki i estetyki
    Semina Scientiarum 11 92-106. 2012.
    The paper presents a reconstruction of one of the most interesting parts of the Ukrainian philosophical mind in pre-war Lviv on the example of Miron Zarycki’s koncept of relationship between mathematics and aesthetics. According to the concept of Zarycki, a core value of mathematics is its aesthetic value, and the primary purpose - the aesthetic purpose.
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    This paper is aimed to present and give a critical analysis of content of typescript The role of mathematics in the aesthetics of Alberti written by famous Ukrainian scientist and social activist Milena Rudnicka. The author reconstructs Alberti’s theory of beauty in a specific way, based on an analysis of the major aesthetic concepts that Italian philosopher used in his main three treaties: Della pittura, De re aedificatoria and De statua.
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    Stefana Ołeksiuka analiza sądu spostrzeżeniowego
    with Rafał Kur
    Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (4): 77-84. 2016.
    The publication presents the historical and theoretical background of work of the Ukrainian philosopher Stefan Ołeksiuk under the title “On object of so-called perceptual judgment”. In particular, the points of contact and the importance of Ołeksiuk’s ideas for philosophical traditions of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Husserlian phenomenology were shown.
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    The article examines discussion wich took place in 1911 between Polish philosophers Henryk Struve and Kazimierz Twardowski about the state of Polish philosophy and plans for its future development. The results of the discussion were extrapolated to the current situation of Ukrainian philosophy and its challenges. The conclusion is that the path of Polish philosophy of the last century can serve to modern Ukrainian philosophy as reliable guide to the future. Polish philosophy’s recipe of success …Read more
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    Czy Kazimierz Twardowski wpłynął na historiografię ukraińskiej filozofii?
    Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (4): 127-136. 2014.
    The paper is aimed to prove that the work of the Ukrainian philosopher Hilary Święcicki The origins of philosophy in Ruthenian literature of XI–XVI century (Lviv, 1901) was written under the influence of the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School of philosophy Kazimierz Twardowski. Results of the analysis indicate that this influence was of the methodological nature and it manifested itself in the use by Święcicki aposteriori constructive method, developed by master of Twardowdki – Franz Brentano.
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    Current knowledge of philosophical and logical investigations includes numerous gaps regarding the theory of judgment in the Lvov School of Philosophy. The aim of the paper is to show that the task of filling this gap is not without merit and to outline the way how to complete this task. Theoretical and methodological roots of theory of judgement of the Lvov School in philosophy lies in philosophy of Franz Brentano, whose views on logic have been identified as the first ever revolt against Arist…Read more
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    Ukraińcy w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej
    Diametros 32 232-235. 2012.
    Tematyka niniejszego referatu wpisuje się w badania nad jedną z najważniejszych formacji filozoficznych w XX wieku – Szkołą Lwowsko-Warszawską. W pracy dokonano analizy fenomenu Szkoły Twardowskiego z perspektywy dotychczas przez badaczy tego zagadnienia nie branej pod uwagę – a mianowicie uwzględniającej wielokulturowy charakter Lwowa, jako kolebki Szkoły. Uzasadnienie głównej hipotezy komunikatu, polegającej na stwierdzeniu przynależności szeregu czołowych przedstawicieli ukraińskiej myśli fil…Read more