71Balancing Procreative Autonomy and Parental ResponsibilityCambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (2): 268-276. 2011.In Rationality and the Genetic Challenge: Making People Better? Matti Häyry provides a clear and informed discussion and analysis of a number of competing answers to the above questions. Häyry describes three main perspectives on the morality of prenatal genetic diagnosis , the “restrictive,” “moderate,” and “permissive” views, and his analysis illuminates that these views can be distinguished in terms of their different “rationalities”—their respective understanding of what counts as a reasonab…Read more
27Savulescu, Julian, and Bostrom, Nick, eds. Human Enhancement. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. 416. $55.00 (review)Ethics 121 (1): 218-223. 2010.
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