•  40
    Open Humanities Press, Living Books About Life Series.
  •  13
    Two Theories of Ontological Disclosure: The Metaphoric Representation of Being in Ricoeur's Hermeneutics
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12 77-83. 2007.
    How do metaphors and symbols embedded in sacred texts and narratives refigure meaning in the worlds of texts and readers? This is one of the problems that drives Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic theory, where symbolic language moves beyond the constraints of denotation to enable us to interpret human experience in a plurivocal, rather than univocal ways. In my essay I examine Ricoeur's adherence to a disclosive theory of language, borrowed from Heidegger, and argue that it does not provide an adequate…Read more
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    Rethinking the Relation between Mythos and Logos
    Dialogue and Universalism 15 (3-4): 129-136. 2005.
    In this essay, I will show one way in which Ricoeur utilizes Aristotle’s discussions in Rhetoric and Poetics; I will take my point of departure from his hermeneutic theory of metaphor. Here, he reverses the Aristotelian intention by blending the domains of discourse we call mythos and logos in a way which suggests that the latter is subsumed by the former. While one can argue that the two are co-emergent processes, Ricoeur’s formulation undermines one side of the dialectic between them.
  • This dissertation will examine the relationship between epistemological questions and the testimonial or proclamatory nature of religious belief based in Paul Ricoeur's linking of metaphor to "the hermeneutics of imagination." My argument is built around the issue of sense and reference in religious language; we can say along hermeneutic lines that religious symbols and narratives have an internal structure which "reconfigures" the real, but we must also ask "what exactly is disclosed in this pr…Read more
  •  17
    Metaphor and Phenomenology
    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2013.
  •  52
    Two Theories of Ontological Disclosure
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12 77-83. 2007.
    How do metaphors and symbols embedded in sacred texts and narratives refigure meaning in the worlds of texts and readers? This is one of the problems that drives Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic theory, where symbolic language moves beyond the constraints of denotation to enable us to interpret human experience in a plurivocal, rather than univocal ways. In my essay I examine Ricoeur's adherence to a disclosive theory of language, borrowed from Heidegger, and argue that it does not provide an adequate…Read more
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    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2004.