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    Your Feelings Are Wrong
    Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 37 (1): 39-45. 2016.
    We live at a time when many aspects of our educational culture are declared to be in crisis. Increasingly, the STEM movement dominates initiatives at the same time that there is less agreement about what constitutes a Humanities or liberal arts education. Relatively broad consensus indicates that it should make students somehow “better”. Within the field of pre-college normative ethics surveys, a survey of textbooks shows that most agree on what a course like this should look like. In evaluating…Read more
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    Socratic Aporia in the Classroom and the Development of Resilience
    Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 38 (1): 29-36. 2017.
    I’d like to talk about the value of unlearning, of undoing, of disruption. Especially in the early aporetic dialogues of Plato, Socrates famously takes his interlocutors on a journey that at least initially appears to end in failure: at the dialogue’s conclusion, there seems to be no answer to the questions that inspired the conversation. There has been a lot of recent debate about the so-called Socratic method and accusations that it may be deflating, resulting in less, rather than more origina…Read more
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    Intentional Disruption: Expanding Access to Philosophy (edited book)
    Vernon Press. 2021.
    This chapter comes out of a number of years consulting with elementary, middle school and high school teacher and administrators interested in beginning philosophy programs. Here, I share some of these, give some perspectives on them and finally share resources for those who might now be considering philosophy programs in their institutions. This chapter also serves to give context the following eight chapters which describe some of the creative and exciting things being done in pre-college phil…Read more