39Genitive Absolutes G. N. Vasilaros: Der Gebrauch des Genetivus Absolutus bei Apollonios Rhodios im Verhältnis zu Homer. (Nationale und Capodistrian ische Universität Athen, Philosophische Fakultät, 'Bibliothek Sophia Saripolos', 91.) Pp. 311. Athens: Lichnos, 1991. Paper. Price unstated (review)The Classical Review 45 (02): 238-240. 1995.
61Personal Space - A. W. Bulloch, E. S. Gruen, A. A. Long, A. Stewart (edd.): Images and Ideologies: Self-Definition in the Hellenistic World. (Hellenistic Culture and Society, 12.) Pp. viii + 414, ills. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993. Cased. ISBN: 0-520-07526-9 (review)The Classical Review 48 (01): 77-78. 1998.
84Apollonian Studies - Richard Hunter: The Argonautica of Apollonius: Literary Studies. Pp. xi + 206. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Cased, £35 (review)The Classical Review 44 (1): 18-20. 1994.
71The Renewal of Epic: Responses to Homer in the Argonautica of Apollonius. V KnightThe Classical Review 48 (2): 278-279. 1998.
56M. A. Harder, R. F. Regtuit, G. C. Wakker Theocritus . Pp. 267. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1996. Paper, Hfl. 75. ISBN: 90-6980-064-5 (review)The Classical Review 48 (1): 173-174. 1998.
37N. Marinone: Berenice, da Callimaco a Catullo. Testo critico, traduzione e commento: nuova edizione ristrutturata, ampliata e aggiornata . Pp. 329. Bologna: Pátron, 1997. Paper, L. 37,000. ISBN: 88-555-2427-5 (review)The Classical Review 50 (2): 579-580. 2000.
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