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    Having watched totalitarianism emerge in its left-wing (Russian Soviet) and right-wing (Nazi) forms, Michael Polanyi devoted considerable attention to analysing totalitarianism in its development, makeup and mode of operation. At the same time as he developed his account of totalitarianism incrementally he pieced together his picture of liberalism. His fundamental insight is that while liberal civilization is dedicated to protecting, and is animated by, a set of ideals that includes freedom, tru…Read more
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    Michael Polanyi and Karl Mannheim
    Tradition and Discovery 32 (1): 20-43. 2005.
    This essay reviews historical records that set forth the discussions and interaction of Michael Polanyi and Karl Mannheim/rom 1944 until Mannheim’s death early in 1947. The letters describe Polanyi’s effort to assemble a book to be published in a series edited by Manneheim. Theyalso reveal the different perspectives these thinkers took about freedom and the historical context of ideas. Records of J.H. Oldham’s discussion group “the Moot” suggest that these and other differences in philosophy wer…Read more
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    In his writings between 1941 and 1951, Michael Polanyi developed a distinctive view of liberal social and political life. Planned organizations are a part of all modern societies, according to Polanyi, but in liberal modernity he highlighted dynamic social orders whose agents freely adjust their efforts in light of the initiatives and accomplishments of their peers. Liberal society itself is the most extensive of dynamic orders, with the market economy, and cultural orders of scientific research…Read more
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    Relations between Karl Popper and Michael Polanyi
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (3): 426-435. 2011.
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    Friedrich Hayek and Michael Polanyi in Correspondence
    History of European Ideas 42 (1): 107-130. 2016.
    SummaryFriedrich Hayek and Michael Polanyi corresponded with each other for the best part of thirty years. They had shared interests that included science, social science, economics, epistemology, history of ideas and political philosophy. Studying their correspondence and related writings, this article shows that Hayek and Polanyi were committed Liberals but with different understandings of liberty, the forces that endanger liberty, and the policies required to rescue it.
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    Anthropological Materials in the Making of Michael Polanyi’s Metascience
    Perspectives on Science 25 (2): 261-285. 2017.
    Anthropological discussions were important for Michael Polanyi in the middle phase of his intellectual career, in which he articulated in some detail his understanding of science, culture and society. This middle period commenced with his 1946 Riddell Memorial Lectures at Durham University in early 1946, published as Science, Faith and Society later that year, and extended through the publication of Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy in 1958, based on Polanyi’s 1951 and 1952 …Read more
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    Book reviews (review)
    with Lorraine Code, Deepanwita Dasgupta, Charles R. Twardy, and Rafaela Hillerbrand
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1). 2008.
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    Book reviews (review)
    with Susan Tridgell, Reg Naulty, Robert Larmer, Jennifer Welchman, Christopher Lundgren, Adrian Walsh, John Makeham, and Muhammad Kamal
    Sophia 43 (2): 129-147. 2004.
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    Recovering the Thought of Edward Shils
    Tradition and Discovery 47 (3): 4-13. 2021.
    This article provides an extended review of The Calling of Social Thought, a collection of essays about the thought of social theorist Edward Shils. The article includes preliminary observations about Shils’ life and work, brief summaries of the essays included in the collection, and several suggestions aimed at encouraging additional study of Shils’ writings.
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    Rationalism and tradition: The Popper–Oakeshott conversation
    with Ian Tregenza
    European Journal of Political Theory 13 (1): 3-24. 2014.
    In 1948 Karl Popper sent a copy of his paper, ‘Utopia and Violence’, to Michael Oakeshott. Popper had recently read Oakeshott’s essay ‘Rationalism in Politics’, appreciating its relevance to views he had expressed in The Open Society. Oakeshott wrote to Popper at some length, explaining his thoughts about reason, tradition and kindred matters, to which Popper responded. This paper reproduces these letters and discusses them with reference to pertinent writings of Popper and Oakeshott. While show…Read more
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    C. P. Snow’s The Two Cultures: Michael Polanyi’s Response and Context
    Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (3): 172-178. 2011.
    C. P. Snow’s “The Two Cultures” controversially contrasted science and literature, suggesting that neither scientists nor literary intellectuals have much in common with, and seldom bother speaking to, the other. Responding to Snow, Michael Polanyi argued that specialization has made modern culture, not twofold but manifold. In his major work, Personal Knowledge, Polanyi explained that branches of modern culture have personal knowing and knowledge in common, and there is extensive cross-pollinat…Read more
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    Vindicating Universalism
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 19 (1): 75-80. 1989.
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    Book Review: Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction Versus the Richness of Being (review)
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3): 386-389. 2006.
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    The genesis of 'scientific community'
    Social Epistemology 16 (2): 157-168. 2002.
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    Michael Polanyi, Tacit Cognitive Relativist
    Heythrop Journal 42 (4): 463-479. 2001.
    Celebrated as a theorist of science, and a source of stimulating ideas for theologians and philosophers of religion, Michael Polanyi explicitly denied cognitive relativism. Yet cognitive relativism, this paper suggests, is implied by Polanyi's account of conceptual frameworks and intellectual controversies.In ‘The Stability of Beliefs’ (1952) Polanyi understands conceptual frameworks (science, psychoanalysis, Azande witchcraft, Marxism) as embedded in, and as expressed in the use of, their own l…Read more
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    Classical and Conservative Liberalism: Burke, Hayek, Polanyi and Others (review)
    Tradition and Discovery 26 (1): 5-15. 1999.
    An extended discussion of Richard Allen’s Beyond Liberalism: The Political Thought of F. A. Hayek & Michael Polanyi in which the book’s prominent themes and arguments are described, and certain inaccuracies and shortcomings noted.
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    Edward Shils' Theory of Tradition
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (2): 139-162. 2007.
    Edward Shils presented his book Tradition (1981) as the first extensive study of the subject. This article casts light on Shils' multifaceted understanding of tradition, comprising pragmatic, Burkean, veridical, and evolutionist perspectives. His typology of traditions is noted, and his view of institutional bearers of tradition described. In assessing Shils' theory, however, we find that it overreaches, collapsing differences that exist between traditions, transmissions, and the traditional.
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    Thoughts on Political Sources of Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science
    Journal of Philosophical Research 24 445-457. 1999.
    How did Karl Popper arrive at his theory of science? Popper believed that Einstein’s general theory of relativity and his attitudes of modesty and self-criticism were all important.This paper challenges details in Popper’s account and suggests an alternative interpretation of the formation of his theory. It is held that his disillusionment with Marxism predated and conditioned his understanding of Einstein, and that the liberalism of J. S. Mill may have exercised an influence. Political ideas an…Read more
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    Tradition as a Topic of Philosophic Interest in Britain in the 1940s
    Journal of Philosophical Research 37 313-335. 2012.
    Between 1945 and 1948, Michael Polanyi, Michael Oakeshott, and Karl Popper respectively discussed the nature of tradition, and the part that traditions play in free societies. This article analyzes these thinkers’ ideas of tradition. Polanyi depicted tradition as knowledge that is embodied in skilled practice, and tradition for Oakeshott consists in activities that are suffused with practical knowledge and technique. Popper emphasized rational criticizability, whereas Polanyi and Oakeshott empha…Read more
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    Polanyi's presagement of the incommensurability concept
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1): 101-116. 2002.
    Kuhn and Feyerabend have little to say about the thought of Michael Polanyi, and the secondary literature on Polanyi's relation to them is meagre. I argue that Polanyi's view, in Personal knowledge and in other writings, of conceptual frameworks ‘segregated’ by a ‘logical gap’ as giving rise to controversies in science foreshadowed Kuhn and Feyerabend's theme of incommensurability. The similarity between the thinkers is, I suggest, no coincidence.
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    Laws of Nature, Corpuscules, and Concourse
    Journal of Philosophical Research 19 373-393. 1994.
    It has been said that Robert Boyle gave in the century of The Scientific Revolution the “fullest expression” of the view that laws of nature are continually impressed by God (“occasionalism”). So regarded, the universe is anything but an autonomous machine, its ordered operation depending on God’s continuous imposition of lawful, patterned relations between phenomena and his continuous provision of motion for them to actually enter relations. The present paper contests this treatment of Boyle. E…Read more
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    This paper is designed to reinterpret and clarify John Stuart Mill's ideas on science. Past discussions of these ideas strike me as unsatisfactory in two crucial respects. In the first place they have encouraged us to regard Mill's principal work on epistemology, A System of Logic, as fundamentally inductivist This is the received interpretation of Mill's Logic and one finds it summarized and affirmed in the remark of Laurens Laudan that 'by and large' Mill was 'a rather orthodox inductivist who…Read more
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    Michael Polanyi and Karl Popper offer contrasting accounts of social tradition. Popper is steeped in the heritage of the Enlightenment, while Polanyi interweaves religious and diverse secular strands of thought. Explaining the liberal tradition, Polanyi features tacit knowledge of rules, standards, applications and interpretations being transmitted by “craftsmen” to “apprentices.” Each generation adopts the liberal tradition on “faith,” commits to creatively developing its art of knowledge-in-pr…Read more
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    The thinking of these philosophers is examined to assess the extent to which science affected their theories of social and political life. The book shows that the general notion of English liberalism being grounded in science is incorrect. It offers a broad study of the interface between theories of science and liberal political thought and sheds new light on the four philosophers.