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    SAR11 bacteria linked to ocean anoxia and nitrogen loss
    with D. Tsementzi, J. Wu, S. Deutsch, L. M. Rodriguez-R., A. S. Burns, P. Ranjan, N. Sarode, R. R. Malmstrom, C. C. Padilla, B. K. Stone, M. la BristowLarsen, J. B. Glass, B. Thamdrup, T. Woyke, K. T. Konstantinidis, and F. J. Stewart
    © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.Bacteria of the SAR11 clade constitute up to one half of all microbial cells in the oxygen-rich surface ocean. SAR11 bacteria are also abundant in oxygen minimum zones, where oxygen falls below detection and anaerobic microbes have vital roles in converting bioavailable nitrogen to N 2 gas. Anaerobic metabolism has not yet been observed in SAR11, and it remains unknown how these bacteria contribute to OMZ biogeoche…Read more
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    Given the popularity and success of the Hindu-Right in India's electoral politics today, how may one study ostensibly 'Western' concepts and ideas, such as the secular and its family of cognates, like secularism, secularisation and secularity in non-Western societies without assuming them simply as derivative, or colonial legacies or contrast cases of Western societies? While recognizing that the dominant language of political modernity of Western societies is not easily translatable in non-West…Read more