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    Mou Zongsan (牟宗三) extols Heidegger’s interpretation of human Dasein as “being-capable” and admits that he was inspired by Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant in many ways; however, although he, like Heidegger, emphasizes that human finitude is the basic premise of Kantian philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise to Kant’s philosophy as a whole. He argues, for Kant, “human beings are finite but can be infinite.” Moreover, he, on the one hand, criticizes Heidegger for withdrawing the dimension …Read more
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    In this essay, we discuss a perspective remote from German academics on the examination of Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant, which was developed by Mou Zongsan (牟宗三). Mou focuses his interpretation of Kant on the infinite aspect of human morality and he praises Heidegger’s interpretation of the essence of human existence as “being-able-to-be”. Although, like Heidegger, he emphasizes the recognition of human finiteness as the basic premise of Kant’s philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise …Read more
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    In this essay, we discuss a perspective remote from German academics on the examination of Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant, which was developed by Mou Zongsan (牟宗三). Mou focuses his interpretation of Kant on the infinite aspect of human morality and he praises Heidegger’s interpretation of the essence of human existence as “being-able-to-be”. Although, like Heidegger, he emphasizes the recognition of human finiteness as the basic premise of Kant’s philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise …Read more
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    Mou Zongsan (牟宗三) extols Heidegger’s interpretation of human Dasein as “being-capable” and admits that he was inspired by Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant in many ways; however, although he, like Heidegger, emphasizes that human finitude is the basic premise of Kantian philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise to Kant’s philosophy as a whole. He argues, for Kant, “human beings are finite but can be infinite.” Moreover, he, on the one hand, criticizes Heidegger for withdrawing the dimension …Read more
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    解讀及評價: Rolf Peter Horstmann《康德之想像力》 (review)
    with 楊德立
    國立臺灣大學哲學論評 60 169-182. 2020.
    Rolf-Peter Horstmann近作《康德之想像力》(Kant's Power of Imagination),是針對「想像力」在康德學統下備受忽視的情況而作。這部102頁的著作,仔細分析了《純粹理性批判》和《判斷力批判》中與想像力相關的內容,意圖從內部理順康德的想像力理論,並論證想像力在建構認知對象過程裡的獨特貢獻。他提出了「建構認知對象的兩階段模式」,闡明想像力在認知過程中獨一無二的功能與位置,並在此基礎上論證想像力是一種獨立、自足的認知能力。由於想像力是一種獨立認知能力,因此至少在理論哲學和知識論脈絡下,康德學者沒有忽視想像力的理由。 Rolf-Peter Horstmann's recent work, Kant's Power of Imagination, is a response to the neglect of "the power of imagination" in the Kantian circle. In this 102-page book, Horstmann analyzes passages relevant to imagination …Read more
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    Tak-Lap Yeungs Arbeit verfolgt eine innovative Deutungsperspektive mit dem Versuch, Heideggers Kant-Adaption als Weg einer Umdeutung nachzuvollziehen, um eine neue Kant-Lesart stark zu machen und zugleich darüber hinaus einen von Hannah Arendt inspirierten eigenständigen Ansatz zu entwickeln, der die Rolle der Einbildungskraft als ontologische und konstitutive Instanz der Existenzorientierung zu bestimmen ermöglicht. In Ergänzung dazu zeigt diese Arbeit im Anhang einen Vergleich zwischen Heidegg…Read more
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    In this paper, I argue that the different understandings of “harmony”, which are rooted in ancient Greek and Chinese thought, can be recapitulated in the name of “dialectic harmony” and “ambiguous harmony” regarding the representation of the beautiful. The different understandings of the concept of harmony lead to at least two kinds of aesthetic value as well as ideality – harmony in conciliation and harmony in diversity. Through an explication of the original meaning and relation between the co…Read more
  • 牟宗三與海德格論康德: 以「有限性」作擂臺 "Finitude" as the Arena: Mou and Heidegger on Kant
    with Tak-lap Yeung and 楊德立
    人文及社會科學集刊 30 (4): 611-638. 2018.
    本文旨在釐清牟宗三與海德格對康德「有限性」概念之詮釋,借此建立三者的溝通基礎。牟跟海一樣,認為康德對存有論的論述並不完備,需要補充;海德格認為康德哲學應下開「基礎存有論」,發展「此在形上學」。牟宗三則認為,應該發展「道德的形上學」;牟重視現象與物自身的區分,因其關乎認知與道德、感性與超感性領域之分際,並認為道德之超越性是人「可無限」的關鍵;海德格則意圖改變感性、知性的優次地位,強調感性、處境和時間性,否定人之無限性。基於以上異同,本文進一步申述兩者對康德哲學的改造與後續發展,設想他們之間的批評和回應,並評論兩者在何種意義下,更能承先啟後。 This paper aims at laying the foundation of a discourse between Mou and Heidegger’s philosophy through their interpretations of Kant’s concept of finitude. Mou tried wholeheartedly to internalize Kantian philosophy in the inter…Read more
  • The Priority of Imagination in Judgment -Hannah Arendt's Interpretation of Kant and its Problems
    Journal of Philosophical Ideas 1 (Special Issue): 345-363. 2017.
    The power of imagination (Die Einbildungskraft), or in short imagination, has a unique and prior position in Arendt’s theory of judgment, which has been long overlooked. This first aim of this paper is to argue for the priority and necessity of imagination in Arendt’s theory of judgment by reconstructing her descriptions and arguments mainly from her interpretation of Kantian philosophy. The second aim is to shed light on the implications of the priority of imagination in respect of judgment. In…Read more
  • 尋找康德哲學新定向 — 從「希望」審視其哲學
    with Tak-lap Yeung and 楊德立
    國立政治大學哲學學報 32 93-127. 2014.
    「我可希望甚麼?」希望問題(question of hope /Hoffnungsfrage)於康德學統裡常為人忽略。學者多歸諸宗教哲學範疇,甚或僅視為一附帶、中介問題,以聯繫「我能知甚麼?」與「我應做甚麼?」的論域,遂至今仍未見完整、獨立的康德希望哲學或希望理論面世。 雖然學人鮮以「希望」為研究重點,但並不代表希望概念於康德言無足輕重,反之,若以之為繩準閱讀其哲學,可看到有關希望問題 的思慮實貫穿了康德「批判」和「學說」時期。本文以「希望概念和問題」為圓心,梳理出康德哲學中一道從思考「最高善」發展到關注 「人類道德進步」的線索,圖以之開展閱讀康德哲學之新定向。 The question of hope (Hoffnungsfrage) - “What may I hope?” – has been overlooked in the mainstream Kantian scholarship. It is generally categorized into the field of philosophy of religion, or even to be treated as …Read more
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    評After Hegel: German Philosophy, 1840-1900 (review)
    國立臺灣大學哲學論評 54 (54): 165-178. 2017.
    相比十九世紀後半葉的德國哲學,哲學學者與史家一般更注重前半葉的成就。Frederick Beiser 這本著作,正是針對這種情況而寫。他認為十九世紀後半葉被過度簡化和忽略,其實相對於前半葉,後半葉甚至「更重要和哲學上更有趣」,而通過新的敘事和理論重構,該能賦予其應得的重視。為此,作者鑄造了五條不同的歷史線索,包括新「康德主義的興起」、「物質主義的爭論」、「歷史主義的發展」、「現代邏輯的根源」、「悲觀主義的冒起」,讓讀者以不同角度,重新認識這段歷史。他以發掘失落的傳統為己任,對於志同道合的讀者而言,這書當然對味,然而,若要讓讀者公平、恰當地了解當時的思潮,從另一角度而言,書名引來的期望或未盡相符。作者的學術素養無容置疑,本書豐富的資料和清晰的整理,能讓無論是否熟悉該段哲學史的讀者皆耳目一新。若讀者能自行把當中的細節,放到更大的歷史脈絡看,相信會對此書有更正面的評價、獲益更多。