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    Unfolding Life with Death: In Memoriam1
    Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (1): 136-156. 2022.
    This paper explores how affirming events rather than substances, and difference rather than identities, might affect how one responds to life's exigencies, in particular the act of choosing when to end the life of a dog that was a beloved companion. The paper addresses the concepts of the event and the time of Aion as they are presented in The Logic of Sense, and examines the resonances these concepts have with a notion of learning presented in Difference and Repetition and a notion of essence p…Read more
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    Chapter 9 Ahab and Becoming-Whale: The Nomadic Subject in Smooth Space
    In Ian Buchanan & Gregg Lambert (eds.), Deleuze and Space, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 159-175. 2005.
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    with Branka Arsic, Gillian Howie, Dorothea Olkowski, and Rebecca Hill
    In Claire Colebrook & Jami Weinstein (eds.), Deleuze and Gender: Deleuze Studies Volume 2: 2008, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 34-136. 2019.
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    For Tamsin Lorraine, the works of Luce Irigaray and Gilles Deleuze open up new ways of thinking about subjectivity. Focusing on the affinities between the theorists' views—while addressing weaknesses of each—she offers both a cogent analysis of their often challenging writings on this topic and an accessible introduction to their philosophical projects. Through her readings she articulates an approach to subjectivity as an embodied, dynamic process, one that speaks to beliefs about personal iden…Read more
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    Gayle Salamon. Assuming a Body: Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality (review)
    philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1): 100-104. 2012.
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    Gender, Identity and the Production of Meaning
    Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. 1989.
    In this dissertation, I argue that writing philosophical texts is a self-constituting activity as well as a meaning-producing activity and that both activities are gender-informed. To do this I develop an interpretive framework based on some philosophical and psychoanalytic theories of self viewed from a feminist perspective. The philosophical theories provide the background and context for a closer examination of a Lacanian theory of self. The latter is then critiqued and revised in light of ob…Read more
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    For Tamsin Lorraine, the works of Luce Irigaray and Gilles Deleuze open up new ways of thinking about subjectivity. Focusing on the affinities between the theorists' views—while addressing weaknesses of each—she offers both a cogent analysis of their often challenging writings on this topic and an accessible introduction to their philosophical projects. Through her readings she articulates an approach to subjectivity as an embodied, dynamic process, one that speaks to beliefs about personal iden…Read more
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    Oedipus and the Anoedipal Transsexual
    In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin (eds.), Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory, Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 1. 2002.
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    Feminist Lines of Flight from the Majoritarian Subject
    Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl): 60-82. 2008.
    This paper characterises Deleuze and Guattari's conception of the majoritarian subject in A Thousand Plateaus as a particular – and inevitably transitory – manifestation of sexed and gendered subjectivity emerging with late capitalism from the always mutating flows of creative life and suggests that their notion of the schizo or nomadic subject can inspire feminist solutions to the impasses posed by contemporary forms of sexed, gendered, and sexual identity. Feminism can thus be conceived as a s…Read more
  • Between the Psyche and the Social: Psychoanalytic Social Theory (edited book)
    with Robyn Ferrell, Kelly Oliver, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Frances Restuccia, E. Ann Kaplan, Catherine Peebles, Emily Zakin, Lisa Walsh, and Cynthia Willett
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2001.
    Between the Psyche and the Social is the first collection that specifically features the field of psychoanalytic social theory emerging in and between psychoanalysis, feminism, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, and across the disciplines of philosophy, literary, film, and cultural studies. This collection of essays takes the psychoanalytic study of social oppression in some new directions by engaging—indeed, stirring up—unconscious fantasies and ethical tensions at the heart of social subj…Read more
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    Living a time out of joint
    In Paul Patton & John Protevi (eds.), Between Deleuze and Derrida, Continuum. 2003.
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    Explains how the work of Deleuze and Guattari speaks to feminism and other progressive movements.
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    Nietzsche and Feminism
    International Studies in Philosophy 26 (3): 13-21. 1994.
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    Feminism and Poststructuralism: a Deleuzian approach
    In Kittay Eva Feder & Martín Alcoff Linda (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 2006.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Trauma and a Time Out of Joint Conclusion References Further Reading.