•  301
    Rethinking the Feasibility of Pancasila as a Scientific Paradigm
    Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan 3 (2): 204-214. 2023.
    Some academics and state officials in Indonesia argue for the adoption of Pancasila as a scientific paradigm for the country's scientific endeavours. They believe that using Pancasila as a foundation could give Indonesian science a distinct and unique character. However, this article seeks to reevaluate the feasibility of Pancasila as a scientific paradigm. By reviewing the literature on Pancasila and the philosophy of science, it arrives at the conclusion that Pancasila cannot serve as a scient…Read more
  •  707
    Whether Edmund Husserl is a realist or idealist or metaphysically neutral is still often debated among his commentators. Instead of making an over-generalized claim about Husserl’s thought, this study only focuses on intentionality theory to know toward which Husserl is metaphysically committed in that theory. This study, therefore, aims to metaphysically reconstruct Husserl’s theory of intentionality and then prove that the theory is realist, not idealist nor metaphysically neutral. By using th…Read more
  •  449
    Membaca Postmodernisme dalam Pemikiran Jean Baudrillard (review)
    Cogito: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat 1 (2): 41-46. 2014.
  •  439
    Metafisika-Puitika Martin Heidegger
    Cogito: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat 3 (2): 121-136. 2016.
    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi pemikiran Martin Heidegger tentang bahasa dalam bingkai ontologi fundamental. Ontologi fundamental adalah kritik Martin Heidegger terhadap mainstream metafisika Barat yang cenderung onto-teo logis dan bercorak subjektif. Menyangkal kecenderungan onto-teo-logis dan meminggirkan subjektivisme dari metafisika, ontologi fundamental ini akhirnya ditandai oleh keduniawian (worldliness/Weltlichkeit) dan pasivitas aktif manusia. Metafisika-puitika sebagai kelan…Read more