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    Making Strange What Had Appeared Familiar
    The Monist 77 (4): 424-433. 1994.
    “Thinking from the perspective of women’s lives makes strange what had appeared familiar, which is the beginning of any scientific inquiry.” Seeing as strange what had appeared familiar is the beginning of any inquiry, I think. I do not question my drinking water until it smells of chlorine. I do not ask why I was given the correct amount of change; I do not ask why I am treated with respect. In philosophical inquiry, I do not ask “What is a cat?” but “What is Being?” Similarly, in the political…Read more
  • Making Sense of Nonsense: Trivial Remarks on the Nature of Language
    Dissertation, The University of Iowa. 1996.
    "Making Sense of Nonsense: Trivial Remarks on the Nature of Language" is an inquiry into the nature and significance of nonsense for philosophers and other human beings. Philosophers have been accused of indulging in nonsense. Wittgenstein complains that philosophers take language on holiday. If an utterance is nonsense in virtue of being on holiday, we might expect meaningful utterances to be meaningful in virtue of their being at work, at home. When we look at language at home, we find that, d…Read more