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    Alkmaion von Kroton, Hippon von Metapont Und Menestor von Sybaris (edited book)
    with Georg Wöhrle and Andreas Lammer
    De Gruyter. 2022.
    Die Herausgeber der Reihe Traditio Praesocratica haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Überlieferungswissen zu den sogenannten vorsokratischen Philosophen in möglichster Vollständigkeit in Text und Übersetzung darzustellen. Der rezeptionsgeschichtliche Blickpunkt des Unternehmens erklärt die – im Vergleich zu den meisten anderen vorliegenden Sammlungen zu den Vorsokratikern – chronologische Anordnung der in ihren jeweiligen Überlieferungskontext eingeordneten Zeugnisse. Im vierten Band der Reihe w…Read more
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    The question of Plutarch’s attitude towards rhetoric has occupied several scholars since the 19th century. The traditional view is that it is rather negative. Although Plutarch acknowledges some value in rhetoric as a means of persuasion in politics, he nevertheless attributes the dominant role to ethos. As it will be shown below, however, this picture is only partially justified after a closer examination of the relevant texts in their historical-cultural context. In the present study, Plutarch…Read more
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    The present chapter addresses a passage from Plutarch’s Praecepta gerendae reipublicae that can be found where the section referring to the need for the statesman’s ethical development intersects with the section concerning rhetoric. In this passage, Plutarch remarks that even though he had earlier ascribed everything to virtue, he shall now consent that rhetoric, too, has a role to play in politics. Though not defined as the “craftsman” of persuasion but just as a “factor helping for persuasion…Read more