New York, New York, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy, Misc
Areas of Interest
Philosophy, Misc
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    6 Kant’s “Free- Play” in the Light of Minimal Art
    In Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.), Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice, Stanford University Press. pp. 87-100. 2008.
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    Viande du monde
    with Thierry du Duve
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (3). 2011.
    Com a expressão "viande du monde" introduz-se um postulado que inverte o postulado "chair du monde" de Maurice Merleau-Ponty e que nega que existe "um mundo sensível comum a nos". Traduzido em termos kantianos, este postulado invertido afirmaría que o sensus communis nāo existe. Isto, por sua vez, pode ser moralmente aprovado ou desaprovado. Mostra-se aqui que as consequências da sua aprovação nos levaria ao mesmo mundo sadiano que Lacan descreveu "como urna das possíveis formas do mundo governa…Read more
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    Kant after Duchamp
    with Sally Shafto
    Substance 27 (2): 136. 1998.
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    Autour du « monde de l'art »
    with Arthur Coleman Danto and Richard Shusterman
    Cahiers Philosophiques 131 (4): 108-128. 2012.
    Dans le cadre des rencontres Contested Territories : Conversations in Practice qu’elle organise en partenariat avec la Chelsea School of Art and Design et la Naked Punch Review, la Tate Modern a réuni le 2 février 2006 Arthur Danto, Thierry de Duve et Richard Shusterman pour une table ronde portant sur le célèbre article publié par Danto en 1964, « Le monde de l’art 1 », et les questions qu’il continue de soulever. Voici la traduction de leurs exposés et de leurs échanges.
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    Viande du monde
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (3): 417-432. 2011.
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    The story of Fountain: Hard facts and soft speculation
    Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 28 (57-58): 10-47. 2019.
    Thierry de Duve’s essay is anchored to the one and perhaps only hard fact that we possess regarding the story of Fountain: its photo in The Blind Man No. 2, triply captioned “Fountain by R. Mutt,” “Photograph by Alfred Stieglitz,” and “THE EXHIBIT REFUSED BY THE INDEPENDENTS,” and the editorial on the facing page, titled “The Richard Mutt Case.” He examines what kind of agency is involved in that triple “by,” and revisits Duchamp’s intentions and motivations when he created the fictitious R. Mut…Read more
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    The purpose of this paper is to offer some theoretical clarification of the word art in the wake of the reception of Duchamp's readymades and their acknowledgment by art history.It became clear in the sixties that it is now both technically possible and institutionally legitimate to make art from absolutely anything whatever.To this a priori possibility would like to give the term art in general. After which shall define three other terms which may help clarify our usage of the word art in the p…Read more
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    Intuition, Logic, Intuition
    Critical Inquiry 25 (1): 181-189. 1998.
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    Letters to the Editor
    with William Conger
    Critical Inquiry 26 (1): 159-160. 1999.
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    Kant after Duchamp
    MIT Press. 1998.
    Kant after Duchamp brings together eight essays around a central thesis with many implications for the history of avant-gardes. Although Duchamp's ready mades broke with all previously known styles, de Duve observes that he made the logic of modernist art practice the subject matter of his work, a shift in aesthetic judgment that replaced the classical "this is beautiful" with "this is art." De Duve employs this shift (replacing the word "beauty" by the word "art") in a rereading of Kant's Criti…Read more
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    Art as Symbol of the Politically Good
    Revue Internationale de Philosophie 303 (1): 91-110. 2023.
    Au paragraphe 59 de la Critique de la faculté de juger, juste avant de se lancer dans la Critique du jugement téléologique, Kant écrit une phase que rien dans la Critique du jugement esthétique, qu’il s’apprête à conclure, n’annonçait : “Je dis maintenant que le beau est le symbole du bien moral”. Il fait toutefois précéder cette ligne d’une explication de ce qu’il entend par “symbole”, qu’il illustre par un exemple qui semble aussi abrupt et hors contexte que la phrase sur le symbolisme moral d…Read more
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    speech." --Book Jacket.
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    How Manet's "A Bar at the Folies-Bergère" Is Constructed
    with Brian Holmes
    Critical Inquiry 25 (1): 136-168. 1998.
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    Art and Aesthetics After Adorno (edited book)
    with J. M. Bernstein, Claudia Brodsky, Anthony J. Cascardi, Aleš Erjavec, Robert Kaufman, and Fred Rush
    Fordham University Press. 2022.
    Theodor Adorno's Aesthetic Theory offers one of the most powerful and comprehensive critiques of art and of the discipline of aesthetics ever written. The work offers a deeply critical engagement with the history and philosophy of aesthetics and with the traditions of European art through the middle of the 20th century. It is coupled with ambitious claims about what aesthetic theory ought to be. But the cultural horizon of Adorno's Aesthetic Theory was the world of high modernism, and much has h…Read more
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    L’art est un nom propre
    Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3 673-677. 1988.
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    Aesthetics at large
    University of Chicago Press. 2018.
    Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgment, Thierry de Duve argues in the first volume of Aesthetics at Large, is as relevant to the appreciation of art today as it was to the enjoyment of beautiful nature in 1790. Going against the grain of all aesthetic theories situated in the Hegelian tradition, this provocative thesis, which already guided de Duve’s groundbreaking book Kant After Duchamp (1996), is here pursued in order to demonstrate that far from confining aesthetics to a stifling formalism iso…Read more