• Struktur und Funktion der Menschenwürde als Rechtsbegriff
    Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 1 (1): 49-74. 2014.
    Human dignity defines the foundation of mutual respect between persons in the law. In German constitutional law it defends a realm of individual freedom and inviolable protection against the interests of the collective. Dignity as a legal concept is not a good to be balanced or weighed against other goods, but a prohibition norm, not a reason but a constraint, thus guaranteeing a non-consequentialist and especially a non-utilitarian understanding of basic rights.
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    Nietzsches „Wille zur Macht" im Werk Michel Foucaults
    In Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Heinz Wenzel, Günter Abel & Werner Stegmaier (eds.), 1998, De Gruyter. pp. 377-419. 1999.
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    The notion of human dignity fulfils different normative functions, making demands on heterogeneous resources for justification. After a short summary of Kant’s concept of dignity and its meta-ethica/ content which defines “Kantianism”, we will deal with three problematic aspects of the Kantian concept of dignity and provide a sketch of its reception in the German Constitution. Then we will present an ascriptivistic concept as an alternative to the Kantian one and discuss its limitations.
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    Dealing with the reform of the Transplantation Law, the first issue of the new rubric “Philosophie aktuell” met with strong and lively interest from our readers. Subsequent to this discussion a growing number of reports were published dealing with violations of mandatory rules of conduct in transplantation medicine. Therefore the topic is revisited here from the slightly different vantage point “organ transplantation II: elucidation and confidence”
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    The right to bequeath as a common legal power
    In Schmidt am Busch Hans-Christoph, Halliday Daniel & Gutmann Thomas (eds.), Inheritance and the Right to Bequeath: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives, Routledge. pp. 76-94. 2022.
    This chapter demonstrates that counter-arguments against such a right from analytic legal theory, among them Steiner’s, do not succeed. Although there are no rights on the part of post-mortem persons, a right to bequeath can be explained by and built around posthumous interests of the testator that might be adversely affected after his or her demise. This perspective, however, would have to be based upon an interest theory of rights. For proponents of a will theory of rights such as Steiner, the…Read more
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    Inheritance and the Right to Bequeath: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (edited book)
    with Schmidt am Busch Hans-Christoph and Halliday Daniel
    Routledge. 2022.
    In every Western democracy today, inheritances have a very profound influence on people’s lives. This motivates renewed scholarship on inheritance law by philosophy and the legal sciences. The present volume aims to contribute to some ongoing areas of inquiry while also filling some gaps in research. It is organized in a highly interdisciplinary way. In the thirteen chapters of the book, written by outstanding philosophers and legal scholars, the following questions, among others, are discussed:…Read more
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    Inheritance and the Right to Bequeath: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (edited book)
    with Schmidt am Busch Hans-Christoph and Halliday Daniel
    Routledge. 2022.
    This book addresses the nature, social function, ethics and politics of the right to bequeath.
  • Voluntary consent
    In Peter Schaber & Andreas Müller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent, Routledge. 2018.
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    Is “Autonomy Talk” Misleading?
    In James F. Childress & Michael Quante (eds.), Thick (Concepts of) Autonomy: Personal Autonomy in Ethics and Bioethics, Springer Verlag. pp. 117-133. 2021.
    Especially during the last three decades, there has been a fine-grained debate on the notion of personal autonomy. This article will suggest taking one important distinction within this debate more seriously: the differentiation between “personal autonomy” designating a family of ideal, gradual, and hence at least moderately perfectionist conceptions about what an autonomous person is and what is called “autonomy as right”. These are not different dimensions of one concept, but independent conce…Read more
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    Anerkennung in den Rechtswissenschaften
    In Ludwig Siep, Heikki Ikaheimo & Michael Quante (eds.), Handbuch Anerkennung, Springer. pp. 375-384. 2018.
    Das Recht vermittelt wesentliche Dimensionen von Anerkennung und hilft, die Handlungsräume für nahezu alle ihre weiteren Formen zu garantieren. Der philosophische Diskurs über den Begriff der Anerkennung reflektiert dies zu wenig. Umgekehrt spielt der Begriff der Anerkennung in der gegenwärtigen Rechtswissenschaft nicht die Rolle, die ihm gebührt.
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    Freiheit der Wissenschaft, Freiheit der Meinung
    In Elif Özmen (ed.), Wissenschaftsfreiheit im Konflikt, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1-9. 2021.
    Die Wissenschaftsfreiheit garantiert die Freiheit individueller Forschung und Lehre und die Institution der freien Wissenschaft. Nicht alles, was der deutsche Professor tut und sagt und nicht alles, was sich unter dem Dach einer deutschen Universität ereignet, fällt in ihren Schutzbereich. Zum scientific ethos, der sozialen Rollenerwartung an Wissenschaftler/innen, gehört eine individuelle Verantwortung für die Wissenschaftsfreiheit. Sie impliziert nicht zuletzt, sich nicht mit Kräften gemein zu…Read more
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    Modus Vivendi in a Liberal Framework
    In John Horton, Manon Westphal & Ulrich Willems (eds.), The Political Theory of Modus Vivendi, Springer Verlag. pp. 83-93. 2018.
    The double thesis sketched in broad strokes in this essay will be that modus vivendi conceptions do not qualify as viable alternatives to political liberalism. In order to be normatively plausible, modus vivendi conceptions depend on a liberal framework and on the normative reasoning justifying it. Within such a liberal framework, however, modus vivendi theory and modus vivendi institutions are necessary. Modus vivendi theory is analysed to be a normatively inconsistent approach that cannot be s…Read more
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    Dignity and autonomy. Reflections about Kantian tradition
    with Carlos Rendón Arroyave
    Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 59. 2019.
    The kantian idea according to which only people can claim respect and only for them can moral rights exist, yet, at the same time, not all human beings are people in this strict prescriptive sense, contains considerable potential of exclusion. From this view, the present article reconstructs the architecture of Kant’s moral philosophy and investigates thescope and the limits of the different proposals of solution based on his theory.
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    Definition of the problem. Voluntary active euthanasia is, in certain circumstances, morally permissible and should be permitted by law. Autonomous persons may have a fundamental interest in experiencing ”death in dignity” in accordance with their own preferences. This interest is protected by the concept of human dignity assumed by German law. Some prerequisites being met, the moral and legal autonomy right to determine the time and manner of one’s own death includes a right to secure active eu…Read more
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    ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag bringt Gründe für die These vor, dass aktive Sterbehilfe – die Tötung eines einwilligungsfähigen Patienten auf sein ausdrückliches, ernsthaftes und stabiles Verlangen hin – unter bestimmten Umständen moralisch erlaubt ist und rechtlich erlaubt sein sollte. Autonome Personen haben ein zentrales, von ihrem Anspruch auf Wahrung ihrer Menschenwürde geschütztes Interesse daran, „ihren” Tod sterben zu können. Aus diesem geschützten Interesse resultieren Dispositionsbefugniss…Read more
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    „Nature, red in tooth and claw“
    Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (4): 577-588. 2015.
    Medical law and Biopolitics shed specific light on the relationship of subject and power/violence in legal contexts. For our species, medicine is an essential endeavour vis-à-vis nature which is „red in tooth and claw“. Medicine, however, is driven by autopoietic systemic imperatives and marked by relations of domination. Guaranteeing robust individual rights and legal powers is a remedy against both.
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    Würde und Autonomie. Überlegungen zur Kantischen Tradition
    Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 15 (1): 3-34. 2010.
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    Medizinische Ethik und Organtransplantation
    Ethik in der Medizin 10 (1): 58-67. 1998.
    During the last two decades a broad and intensive discussion has taken place in the field of medical ethics. Especially in the English-speaking countries, “Biomedical Ethics” have developed as a part of secular, philosophical moral theory. Two ethical problems in organ transplantation – living organ donation and organ allocation – illustrate that this transition reflects both the complex ethical questions raised by rapid changes in the biological sciences and in health care, and the fact that tr…Read more
  • Nietzsches" Wille zur Macht" im Werk Michel Foucaults
    Nietzsche Studien 27 377-419. 1998.
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    Governing [through] Autonomy. The Moral and Legal Limits of “Soft Paternalism”
    with Bijan Fateh-Moghadam
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3): 383-397. 2014.
    Legal restrictions of the right to self-determination increasingly pretend to be compatible with the liberal concept of autonomy: they act upon a ‘soft’ or autonomy-orientated paternalistic rationale. Conventional liberal critique of paternalism turns out to be insensitive to the intricate normative problems following from ‘soft’ or ‘libertarian’ paternalism. In fact, these autonomy-oriented forms of paternalism could actually be even more problematic and may infringe liberty rights even more in…Read more
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    Happiness and Law
    with Kurt Bayertz
    Ratio Juris 25 (2): 236-246. 2012.