•  23
    The Animal Inside: Essays at the Intersection of Philosophical Anthropology and Animal Studies (edited book)
    with Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Rudmer Bijlsma, and Michael Begun
    Rowman & Littlefield International. 2016.
    A team of renowned philosophers and a new generation of thinkers come together to offer the first book-length examination of the relationship between philosophical anthropology and animal studies.
  •  7
    The Animal Inside: Essays at the Intersection of Philosophical Anthropology and Animal Studies (edited book)
    with Dr Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Rudmer Bijlsma, and Michael Begun
    Rowman & Littlefield International. 2016.
    A team of renowned philosophers and a new generation of thinkers come together to offer the first book-length examination of the relationship between philosophical anthropology and animal studies.
  •  111
    Hermeneutical Understanding as the Disclosure of Truth
    Philosophy Today 57 (1): 42-60. 2013.
    Recent scholarship on the nature of truth within Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Martin Heidegger’s philosophies has focused primarily on identifying and explicating the commonality between their respective accounts of truth. However, this emphasis on commonality has overlooked Gadamer’s distinctive understanding of truth outside of and beyond a simple development of Heidegger’s consideration of truth as alētheia. This paper defends the claim that the specific manner in which Gadamer and Heidegger crit…Read more
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    Reason and Normative Embodiment: On the Philosophical Creation of Disability
    The Disability Studies Quarterly 34 (1). 2014.
    This essay attempts to explain the traditional and contemporary philosophical neglect of disability by arguing that the philosophical prioritization of rationality leads to a distinctly philosophical conception of disability as a negative category of non-normative embodiment. I argue that the privilege given to rationality as distinctive of what it means to be both a human subject and a moral agent informs supposedly rational norms of human embodiment. Non-normative types of embodiment in turn…Read more
  •  2003
    I argue that, in one sense, collective wisdom can save civilization. But in a more important sense, collective wisdom should be understood as a form of civilization, as the result and expression of a moral civilizing-process that comes about through the creation and transmission of collective interpretations of human experience and human nature. Collective wisdom traditions function in this manner by providing an interpretation of what it means to be human and what thoughts, skills, and actions …Read more