262In this essay I explore the Christian and Humanitarian foundation of BOSCO-Uganda, an international community centered around dignified globalization of Northern Uganda. BOSCO, recipient of the Breaking Borders Award in Technology from Google and Global Voices in 2010, provides off-grid solar, computing, and associated training in over 50 sites scattered across half a dozen districts in the North. Formally an arm of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Gulu, BOSCO unites Christian and secular effor…Read more
234In Part I of this essay I presented a general account of self-esteem, arguing that accounts which have previously been offered in the philosophical literature have been inadequate both in their analyses of the concept of self-esteem, and in their prescriptions for healthy self-esteem. More specifically, I argued that the analyses offered by Rawls, Sachs, Thomas, Deigh, Massey, and others are all versions of self-esteem based upon developed capacities, and that all such versions fail in one way o…Read more
233In this essay, I will offer a general account of self-esteem which makes room for a number of psychologically possible varieties of self-esteem. Since both philosophers and social scientists are interested in the connection between self-esteem and human well-being, I will present criteria for assessing the adequacy of different kinds of self-esteem. After showing in Part I that other prominent varieties, induding the one Rawls identified as a primary human good, fail to meet these criteria, I w…Read more
249Resanctifying Human LifeIn Paul L. Williams (ed.), Recovering the Sacred: Catholic Faith, Worship and Practice (Proceedings of the 12th Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars). pp. 83-99. 1990.Here I defend an account of the sanctity of human life in just the sense that Peter Singer denies is defensible. (More recently, Alasdair MacIntyre seems to have echoed Singer's argument.) I argue that the acquisition of three kinds of goods--adequate self-esteem, fruitful human relationships, and rich participation in the lives of others--require an assessment of the worth of human beings which amounts to viewing them as inviolable ends-in-themselves. This argument is developed further in two …Read more
573Aquinas, CompatibilistIn F. Michael McClain and W. Mark Richardson (ed.), Human and Divine Agency: Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran Perspectives. 1999.As I read the texts of Aquinas and the state of the discussion among his interpreters on the question of the compatibility between creaturely freedom and divine providence, an alternative interpretation suggests itself. My impression is that traditional interpreters left Aquinas’ account of the relationships among human freedom, providence and divine goodness inadequately defended, while Maritain and Lonergan with fair intention subverted it, because their readings were hampered by libertarian i…Read more
198Three Rival Versions of Nonmoral InquiryIn Curtis L. Hancock & Anthony O. Simon (eds.), Freedom, Virtue, and the Common Good, . 1995.Moral theory requires for its development an account of human wellbeing, of what it is for a thing to be good for a person: a theory, that is, of nonmoral goodness. Contemporary moral theorists--notably the so-called "new natural law theorists" and consequentialists alike--have come under fire for their failure to provide defensible accounts of nonmoral goodness.' This essay will present in outline three important rival approaches to the question of nonmoral goodness--natural law, communitarian,…Read more
8Theological CompatibilismDissertation, University of Notre Dame. 1986.Traditionally, expositors have held that according to St. Thomas, no set of natural causes which are temporally prior to the will's act determines a free act of choice to one effect. We propose an alternative reading of Aquinas, arguing that God efficaciously and determinately governs creaturely free choices by way of the placement of the sum of natural causes, whose placement is sufficient of itself--impedible only by acts in the order of grace--to produce determinate acts of the will. We call …Read more