I am currently a PhD candidate within the NWO-funded project "Moral Truth: Exploring the Concept of Practical Cognition in Kant's Ethics". The project is situated at the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Amsterdam. It lasts until the end of 2027. My supervisors are Professor Dr. Beate Roessler, Professor Dr. Pauline Kleingeld, and principal investigator Dr. Thomas Nys.
In my PhD project, I analyze the concept of practical cognition in the works of Immanuel Kant. Although the term is often used by Kant, he does not systematically define the concept. My aim is to reconstruct his use, in…
I am currently a PhD candidate within the NWO-funded project "Moral Truth: Exploring the Concept of Practical Cognition in Kant's Ethics". The project is situated at the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Amsterdam. It lasts until the end of 2027. My supervisors are Professor Dr. Beate Roessler, Professor Dr. Pauline Kleingeld, and principal investigator Dr. Thomas Nys.
In my PhD project, I analyze the concept of practical cognition in the works of Immanuel Kant. Although the term is often used by Kant, he does not systematically define the concept. My aim is to reconstruct his use, in close parallel with recent work on theoretical cognition, to review the strength of our practical-epistemic attitudes towards the categorical imperative, particular moral duties, and free will. More broadly, I am interested in how the concept of practical cognition can shed new light on ongoing debates in Kantian metaphysics, regarding the nature of transcendental idealism and the role of reason, and metaethics, in particular around the notion of moral truth in debates between constructivist and strong realists.
In addition to this project, I work on a Kantian account of climate ethics. I am interested in how Kantians can circumvent the problem of inefficacy, define what it means to do our 'fair share', and connect the ethical and the political.
In 2024/2025, I will work on these projects during two research stays abroad. In semester 1, I will be based at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, and in semester 2 at Princeton University.
In 2023/2024, I (co)-organized the Amsterdam Kant Conference 2024, the Philosophy and Public Affairs Colloquium, and the Kant Table Talk series, and (co)-taught the courses Practical Philosophy 1 and Freedom and Autonomy, while working on my research projects.