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    The Effectiveness of Mating Induction on Men’s Financial Risk-Taking: Relationship Experience Matters
    with Zhuanzhuan Wang, Anrun Zhu, Xi Zhang, and Cai Xing
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2022.
    Substantial evidence from experimental studies has shown that mating motivation increases men’s financial risk-taking behaviors. The present study proposed a new moderator, men’s past relationship experience, for this well-accepted link between mating motivation and financial risk-taking tendency. Heterosexual young men were randomly assigned to the mating condition and control condition, and they completed a set of financial risk-taking tasks and reported their past relationship experience. A s…Read more
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    Function biomedical informatics research network recommendations for prospective multicenter functional MRI studies
    with G. H. Glover, B. A. Mueller, J. A. Turner, T. G. M. Van Erp, D. N. Greve, J. T. Voyvodic, J. Rasmussen, G. G. Brown, D. B. Keator, V. D. Calhoun, H. J. Lee, J. M. Ford, D. H. Mathalon, M. Diaz, D. S. O'Leary, S. Gadde, A. Preda, K. O. Lim, C. G. Wible, H. S. Stern, A. Belger, G. McCarthy, B. Ozyurt, and S. G. Potkin
    This report provides practical recommendations for the design and execution of multicenter functional MRI studies based on the collective experience of the Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network. The study was inspired by many requests from the fMRI community to FBIRN group members for advice on how to conduct MC-fMRI studies. The introduction briefly discusses the advantages and complexities of MC-fMRI studies. Prerequisites for MC-fMRI studies are addressed before delving into the pr…Read more