(1) Full-Time Instructor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, January 2016-May 2018
(2) Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago– January 2015-May 2015.
(3) Postdoctoral Associate at Rutgers University in the Multi University Templeton Project in Philosophy of Cosmology (co-directors: David Albert and Barry Loewer) – January 2013- December 2014.
(1)PhD in Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, January 2013. Thesis: “Emergent spacetime in string theory”.
(2)Master in Physics at the University of Illinois at Chicago, August 2012.
(3)“Laurea” (i.e. BS+MS) in Mathematics at the University of Rome “Roma Tre”. Master’s thesis: “Moduli space of curves” Novemeber 2004
(4)“Laurea” (i.e. BA+MA) in Philosophy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Master’s thesis: “Wittgenstein on Normativity and Rules”.
Area of Specialization: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics.
Area of Competence: Philosophy of mind, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Epistemology.
“The Emergence of Spacetime in String Theory”, forthcoming for the new series of the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics, Routledge, 2018.
“Modal realism after String Theory”, invited contribution for the miscellaneous volume Beyond Spacetime: "The Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Gravity", Cambridge University Press.
“Holographic space and time: Emergent in what sense?” in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Special number on Dualities in Physics, 13 September, 2016.
“Deriving General Relativity from String Theory”, Philosophy of Science, 82, December 2015.Co-author with Nick Huggett.
“Out of space – Out of time. Spazio e Tempo nella Teoria delle Stringhe”, in “La Guerra dei Mondi? Scienza e Senso Comune” [The War of the Worlds? Science and Common Sense]. Edited by A. Lavazza and M. Marraffa, Codice, Turin, 2016.
“Review of ‘String Theory and the Scientific Method’” (book by Richard Dawid) International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28,108-111, 2014
“Time in Quantum Gravity” for Adrian Bardon and Heather Dyke (eds), The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Time, 2011. Co-author with Christian Wüthrich and Nick Huggett.
“Entanglement exchange and Bohmian Mechanics”, Manuscrito, Issues in the Philosophy of Physics, Edited by Décio Krause and Otàvio Bueno, Vol 33, Jan-Jun 2010. Co-author with Nick Huggett