•  2
    He was thinking
    Filosoficky Casopis 72 (2): 355-362. 2024.
  • Autonomous Vehicles Ethics: Beyond the Trolley Problem (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2022.
  •  9
    Denis Dutton, The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution
    Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2): 248. 2020.
  •  64
    Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: The Trolley Problem and Beyond (edited book)
    with Ryan Jenkins and David Cerny
    Oxford University Press. 2022.
    "A runaway trolley is speeding down a track" So begins what is perhaps the most fecund thought experiment of the past several decades since its invention by Philippa Foot. Since then, moral philosophers have applied the "trolley problem" as a thought experiment to study many different ethical conflicts - and chief among them is the programming of autonomous vehicles. Nowadays, however, very few philosophers accept that the trolley problem is a perfect analogy for driverless cars or that the situ…Read more
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    A review of Jordy Cat & Adam Tamás Tuboly (eds.), Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives (Springer 2019).
  •  52
    Mach and Panqualityism
    In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence, Springer Verlag. pp. 165-176. 2019.
    The chapter discusses the rejuvenation of an interest in Mach in the recent metaphysics and philosophy of mind. In the early twentieth century, Mach had been interpreted as a phenomenalist, but phenomenalism fell out of favor in the 1950s. In the later decades, he received praise for his naturalism, but his contributions to metaphysics or philosophy of mind were regarded as misbegotten or irrelevant. With the search for a monistic alternative to both materialism and dualism in the recent philoso…Read more
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    Odpovědi přátelům
    Filosofie Dnes 9 (2): 91-110. 2017.
    [Replies to My Friends] This is an answer to the critics of my book WHAT IT'S LIKE, OR WHAT IT'S ABOUT? THE PLACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE MATERIAL WORLD (2017). I proceed from the least to the most serious objections. I start with Jakub Mihálik’s defense of Russellian Monism against my claim that it is not a genuine alternative to standard dualism and materialism. In reply, I claim this is a side issue to the central aim of my book, which is to undermine the concept of phenomenal consciousness a…Read more
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    [Précis of What It’s Like, or What It’s About? The Place of Consciousness in the Material World] The paper provides a summary of my recent Czech-language book, WHAT IT'S LIKE, OR WHAT IT'S ABOUT? THE PLACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE MATERIAL WORLD (2017). As suggested by the subtitle, the topic of the book is philosophy of consciousness. In the contemporary literature, most participants have in mind the so-called phenomenal characters, and the main issue debated between dualists and materialists is…Read more
  •  28
    Karel Kosík's Notion of "Positivism"
    In Jan Mervart, Joseph G. Feinberg & Ivan Landa (eds.), Karel Kosík's Dialectics of the Concrete, . pp. 229-247. 2021.
    The most prominent Czech philosopher, Karel Kosík, makes a few hints to the Vienna Circle, Otto Neurath and "positivism" in his important book, DIALECTICS OF THE CONCRETE (1963). I mine these few remarks for a better understanding of the conflicts, as well as connections, between the social progressivism of the Vienna Circle and the later Marxist humanism.
  •  316
    Z evolučního hlediska: Pojem evoluce v současné filosofii (edited book)
    with Vladimir Havlik
    Filosofia. 2011.
    [From an Evolutionary Point of View: The Concept of Evolution in Contemporary Philosophy]
  •  1
    Evoluce morálky
    In Vladimir Havlik & Tomas Hribek (eds.), Z evolučního hlediska: Pojem evoluce v současné filosofii, Filosofia. pp. 171-206. 2011.
    [The Evolution of Morality]
  • Darwinismus a formy kreacionismu
    In Vladimir Havlik & Tomas Hribek (eds.), Z evolučního hlediska: Pojem evoluce v současné filosofii, Filosofia. pp. 21-73. 2011.
    [Darwinism and the Forms of Creationism]
  •  443
    Filip Tvrdý o naturalizaci filosofie
    Filosofie Dnes 9 (1): 71-79. 2017.
    [Filip Tvrdý on Naturalizing Philosophy] The paper distinguishes several versions of contemporary naturalism: revisionary, constructive, and non-representational. Revisionary naturalism pleads substituting the traditional philosophical inquiry into the nature of things by a genetic inquiry into the origin of our – often faulty – beliefs about the nature of things. Constructive naturalism accepts the program of traditional philosophy, yet hoping that its questions could be answered by broadly sci…Read more
  • Dvakrát nový Arthur Danto (review)
    Umění/Art 44 572-577. 1996.
    A Czech-language review of two of Arthur Danto's collections of art criticism -- BEYOND THE BRILLO BOX and EMBODIED MEANINGS.
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    M. Vácha, R. Königová & M. Mauer, Základy moderní lékařské etiky (review)
    Filosoficky Casopis 62 909-915. 2014.
    A review of the new Czech-language textbook of medical ethics. I point out its multiple flaws, especially the insufficient grounding in normative theory and a bias towards the Catholic moral teachings.
  • [A Defence of Assisted Death: Philosophical Arguments for Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide] Kniha Tomáše Hříbka je první monografií v českém jazyce, jež nabízí filozofickou obhajobu eutanazie a sebeusmrcení za asistence lékaře. Autor vysvětluje zdroje současné diskuse, definuje základní pojmy a analyzuje argumenty pro asistované sebeusmrcení a eutanazii i proti nim. Odpovídá mimo jiné na tyto zásadní otázky: Co je smrt, a jak poznáme, že nastala? Je smrt vždy újmou, nebo může i prospět?…Read more
  • H. Frankfurt, Sračka (review)
    Filosoficky Casopis 56 291-295. 2008.
    A review of the Czech translation of Harry Frankfurt's book On Bullshit. I suggest that bullshit, in Frankfurt's sense, might complement the Marxist notion of ideology.
  • Jsme nutně tělesní?
    Filosoficky Casopis 59 (7): 183-202. 2011.
    [Are We Necessarily Embodied?] The author concentrates on the relation between person and body in phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Both of these traditions are, in their own way, critical towards the Cartesian dualism. While phenomenology tries to overcome this dualism through the description of the experience of our corporeality from the first person point of view, analytic philosophy examines the metaphysical problem of the relation between person and body from the third person perspec…Read more
  • [The Existence of God as a Scientific Hypothesis] An analysis and defence of Dawkins's view of the existence of God in his book The God Delusion.
  • Od Heideggera ke kognitivní vědě (review)
    Filosoficky Casopis 48 1049-1053. 2000.
    [From Heidegger to Cognitive Science] A review of Andy Clark book's Being There. I argue that, while it is informative about the advances in robotics and related fields, it is philosophically rather imprecise. For example, Clark cannot seem to be able to decide between intentional realism and instrumentalism.
  • Magritte Meets Kripkenstein
    Umění/Art 45 (3-4): 240-258. 1997.
  •  234
    Adaptationism, Deflationism, and Anti-Individualism
    In Tomas Hribek & Juraj Hvorecky (eds.), Knowledge, Value, Evolution, College Publications. pp. 167-187. 2011.
    An examination of the externalist theories of Tyler Burge, Daniel Dennett and Ruth Millikan.
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    Ještě o etice eutanazie: odpovědi kritikům
    Filosoficky Casopis 59 (6): 911-931. 2011.
    [On the Ethics of Euthanasia Again: A Reply to Critics] The article is a reply to three critics of a previous piece on the ethics of euthanasia in which I defended physician-assisted suicide. According to Ingrid Strobachová it is necessary to give a greater attention to the significance of pain, which, she claims, may benefit from a phenomenological description. According to Marta Vlasáková my argument is not valid because two principles on which it is founded – i.e. the conception of life as of…Read more
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    Descartes, Davidson a kauzalní impotence mysli
    Filosoficky Casopis 44 (5): 863-884. 1996.
    [Descartes, Davidson, and the Causal Impotence of Mind] [Descartes, Davidson, and the Causal Impotence of Mind] The paper deals with the mind-body problem understood as the problem of mental causation. The paper has three parts. In the first part, the author discusses the origins of the problem in Descartes. Three alternative interpretations of his notion of causal efficiency are proposed: strong dualism, moderate dualism, and eliminativism. It is argued that strong dualism makes causal efficien…Read more
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    Richards, J. R., The Ethics of Transplants (review)
    Filosoficky Casopis 62 915-919. 2014.
  • A. MacIntyre, Ztráta ctnosti (review)
    Filosoficky Casopis 56 610-616. 2008.
    A review of the Czech translation of Alasdair MacIntyre's book After Virtue.