•  6
    Ericho Neumanno „Naujoji etika”, arba psichologinė prieiga prie pamatinio etinio šiuolaikybės iššūkio
    Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art. forthcoming.
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    On the Evidence and Description in Husserl’s Phenomenology
    Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (1). 2024.
    The aim of this article is to highlight the nature of the fundamental moments of phenomenological research, such as evidence and description, and the ambivalence of their relationship to each other. On the one hand, both evidence and description are related to Husserl’s attempt to ‘return to the things themselves’. Evidence is understood by the founder of phenomenology as a relation to an object in which the meaning of that object is given to us immediately in the object itself. Description, on …Read more
  • Zur Medienkonkurrenz in der Philosophie : Wort vs. Bild
    In Hanno Depner (ed.), Visuelle Philosophie, Königshausen & Neumann. 2015.
  • Das Heilige im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit
    In Jörg Lauster, Peter Schüz, Roderich Barth & Christian Danz (eds.), Rudolf Otto: Theologie - Religionsphilosophie - Religionsgeschichte, De Gruyter. pp. 639-650. 2013.
  • Philosophy as rigorous science and/or as tragedy : Husserl and Shestov
    with Lina Vidauskytė
    In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.), Faith and reason in Russian thought, Copernicus Center Press. 2015.
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    Apie filosofinę praktiką
    Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 108. 2021.
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    Žmogus jo techninio reprodukuojamumo epochoje: ar Dievas dar gali mus išgelbėti?
    Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 109. 2021.
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    Apie tai, kaip Nietzsche‘i nepasisekė
    Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 110. 2022.
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    The Polish phenomenologist Roman Ingarden gained recognition primarily due to his research on aesthetics. However, he considered the ontology to be the main area of his philosophical interests. At the beginning of his scientific career, Ingarden realized that he could not agree with his teacher Edmund Husserl, who considered phenomenology as a transcendental philosophy. From Ingarden’s point of view, the fallacy of this approach lies in the fact that it leads to metaphysical idealism and makes i…Read more
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    Martin Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Boredom and Zen Practice
    Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3): 205-224. 2020.
    In this article, Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of boredom is compared with some aspects of Zen practice. Heidegger is primarily interested in boredom as a “fundamental mood,” which takes us beyond the opposition of the subject and object. Thus, boredom reveals the existence more initially than those forms of cognition that are the basis of classical philosophy and special sciences. As an essential feature of the experience of boredom, Heidegger singles out that being in this state we feel tha…Read more
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    Martin Heidegger in zollikon: The war of the worlds?
    HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (2): 46-73. 2016.
  • Fizyka i metafizyka rzeczywistości społecznej
    Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 16 (4): 73-86. 1995.
  • Psychoanalysis and the End of Philosophy
    Problemos 71 116-122. 2007.
    Straipsnyje Martino Heideggerio paskelbta „filosofijos pabaigos“ situacija nagrinëjama Freudo psichoanalizës ir Derrida différance poþiûriu. Tyrinëjimo pradþios taðkas yra nejaukumo sàvoka, kuriàFreudas analizuoja studijoje „Das Unheimliche“. Anot Freudo, nejaukumo jausmas gali bûti iðgyventas tada, kai þmogus susitinka savo antrininkà . Tokiø susitikimø situacijose ðisjausmas kyla ið to, kad èia patiriamas gyvenimo ir mirties ambivalentiðkumas. Panaðø ambivalentiðkumà galima aptikti ir tada, ka…Read more
  • Modest Spell of Nihilism
    Problemos 73 204-209. 2008.
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    Postmetafizinės Ungrund principo prielaidos Schellingo laisvės filosofijoje
    with Brigita Gelžinytė
    Problemos 88 44. 2015.
  • Sens, tekst a dialog
    Colloquia Communia 80 (1-2): 71-79. 2006.