Tomasz Kubalica

University of Silesia In Katowice
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    Wspomnienia o Profesorze Andrzeju J. Norasie
    with Gabriela Besler, Marcin Furman, Andrzej Gniazdowski, Artur Jochlik, Agnieszka Kotulska, Piotr Łaciak, Alicja Pietras, Barbara Szotek, and Marta Ples-Bęben
    Folia Philosophica 47 1-13. 2023.
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    Mała ojczyzna i duża książka
    with Andrzej J. Noras
    Folia Philosophica 47 1-24. 2023.
    This text is an introduction to the philosophy of Heinrich Rickert. The introduction has three levels: biographical, bibliographical, and doxographic. The doxography involves examining Rickert’s views in the context of the achievements of Neo-Kantianism, the Baden school and contemporary philosophy. Noras discusses the main issues Rickert treated in his philosophy, which was occupied with the theory of cognition, the methodology of the humanities and natural sciences and the philosophy of the hi…Read more
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    Artykuł prezentuje wyniki analizy ilościowej i jakościowej zawiadomień o retrakcji w publikacjach z zakresu filozofii (o zasięgu globalnym) zawartych w Retraction Watch Database, z punktu widzenia zaleceń Komisji Etyki Publikacji. Pod względem ilościowym próba wynosi jedynie 0,48% rekordów w całej bazie, przez co trudno uznać ją za reprezentatywną dla dyscypliny, a tym bardziej niemożliwe jest uogólnienia wniosków na całą aktywność naukową. Statystyka wycofań publikacji może być jednak podstawą …Read more
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    The article looks at the concept of value in Heinrich Rickert?s philosophy of value and attempts a systematic study of this concept in the context of the fundamental problems in Roman Ingarden?s ontology of value. The result is a systematised presentation of Rickert?s notion of value and a series of conclusions concerning fundamental aspects of his philosophy of culture. The essential discrepancy that the comparison reveals concerns the formal character of Rickert?s philosophy of values, which i…Read more
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    The aim of this article is to apply Józef M. Bocheński’s logic of authority to a key interpersonal relation of philosophical interest: the master–disciple relation. The present research addresses the problem of philosophical authority in terms of the assumptions of the logic of authority and its consequences for philosophical historiographical research and verifies the claims of the logic of authority in this respect. The analyses show that, in the field of philosophy, the axiological authority …Read more
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    Geneza i podstawy filozofii matematyki krytycznej Leonarda Nelsona
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1): 58-76. 2017.
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    Die Beziehung zwischen dem Lehrmeister und dem Schüler in der neukantischen Philosophie
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27 383-394. 2015.
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    “Importance” and Naturalism. Antipsychologism of Wilhelm Windelband
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 19 77-94. 2007.
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    “Kantian Revolution” in Rudolf Eucken. A Study in the History of the Question of Truth
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20 61-70. 2008.
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    Immanuel Kant on Reflection Theory
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 21 59-69. 2009.
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    John Locke and George Berkeley on the Problem of Cognition
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 24 37-58. 2012.
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    The Marburg School’s Criticism of the Mirroring Theory of Cognition
    Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 23 25-41. 2011.
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    Hermann Cohen i Ernst Cassirer w relacji mistrz–uczeń
    Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (3): 69-80. 2019.
    Hermann Cohen and Ernst Cassirer in the Master–Disciple Relationship of AuthorityThe aim of the paper is to analyze the relationship between the authority of the master and the disciple occurring between the two main representatives of the Neo-Kantianism of the Marburg School, Hermann Cohen and Ernst Cassirer. The analysis is based on the pragmatic-logical model of authority developed by Jozef M. Bocheński within the framework of his logic of authority in application to research on the basic rel…Read more
  • The article addresses the problem of critical metaphysics in the views of Otto Liebmann and Johannes Volkelt. Their view of metaphysics results from a compromise between science and philosophy. On the one hand, this compromise keeps metaphysics closely in touch with contemporary scientific theory, which means it can participate in the modern civilisation of science and technology, on the other though, it leads to the narrowing down of the universalist philosophical perspective to science, which …Read more
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    Stanowisko Heinricha Rickerta wobec teorii odbicia
    Folia Philosophica 27 51--66. 2009.
    The aim of the paper is to discuss primarily the epistemological theory of reflection as seen by Heinrich Rickert, the main representative of Neo-Kantianism Baden School. The most important arguments put forward by Rickert against taking the cognition as a reflection of the reality are being analysed. Rickert’s standpoint turns out to be moderate. He argues against the transcendental theory of reflection, but does not reject the idea of reflection as a model of cognition and takes the immanent t…Read more
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    Problem pewności w neokantyzmie Johannesa Volkelta
    Folia Philosophica 31 133--156. 2013.
    The paper is devoted to an analysis of the epistemology of Johannes Volkelt, its main arguments and the relation of Volkelt's theory of certainty to Kant and other contemporary philosophers, such as Edmund Husserl. Volkelt's problem of scepticism is closely related to the positivist principle, which aimed at limiting all knowledge to our individual sphere of representations. This principle in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason means the unknowableness of the thing in itself. Volkelt seeks for answer…Read more
  • The theme of the text is the interpretation of the philosophy of Leonard Nelson and his place in the history of philosophy. The author asks whether his philosophy should be classified as Neo-Kantianism or outside its borders? In response to this question the author has developed his own instruments. On the one hand, he tried to determine the concept of Neo-Kantianism and thus, Fries's reference to Kant; on the other hand, he applied the four-point scale for the classification of different philos…Read more
  • Neokantyzm badeński i marburski
    with Rickert Heinrich
    . 2011.
  • "Philosophy as a system" Review: Ch. Krijnen "Philosophie als System Prinzipientheoretische Untersuchungen zum Systemgedanken bei Hegel, im Neukantianismus und in der Gegenwartsphilosophie, Würzburg 2008.
  • Die Abbildtheorie bei Rickert und Cassirer
    In , Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 97-114. 2012.
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    The subject of the paper is a polemic between Leonard Nelson and Ernst Cassirer mainly concerning the understanding of the critical method in philosophy. Nelson refutes the accusation of psychologism and attacks the core of the philosophy of the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. In response to those allegations, Cassirer feels obliged to defend the position of his masters and performs this task brilliantly. The present paper considers similarities and differences in the positions of both sides i…Read more
  • Metafizyka krytyczna Otto Liebmanna
    Folia Philosophica 32 47-64. 2014.
    In this paper I analyse the notion of critique, its subject and scope of validity in the context of critical metaphysics of Otto Liebmann. The main argument is preceded by introductory remarks in which historical context and intellectual background of this notion are discussed. The main focus of the paper is on the standpoint of Otto Liebmann, author of curricular for neo-Kantianism "Kant und die Epigonen", and who — however usually conceived to be forerunner of neo-Kantianism — quite paradoxica…Read more
  • Die Beziehung zwischen dem Lehrmeister und dem Schüler in der neukantischen Philosophie
    IDEA – Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27 384-394. 2015.
  • Von Johannes Volkelts Ästhetik des Tragischen bis zur Kulturphilosophie
    In , Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 225-237. 2014.
  • Celem artykułu jest porównanie koncepcji poznania Ernsta Cassirera i Nelsona Goodmana, których łączy odrzucenie idei poznania jako odbicia rzeczywistości i przyjęcie koncepcji przekształcania. Owo przekształcanie nie jest całkowitym przeciwieństwem odbicia, lecz jego poszerzeniem w taki sposób, że poznanie oznacza zarówno twórcze wytwarzanie, jak i odtwórcze odbicie. Tym samym zniesiona zostaje tradycyjna epistemologiczna dychotomia: konstruowanie – odkrywanie. Wspólną dla obu filozofów przesłan…Read more
  • Filozofia jako najbardziej założeniowa ze wszystkich nauk
    In , Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej. pp. 183-191. 2011.