Tommaso Sgarro

Università Telematica Pegaso
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    Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el concepto de “nosotros” ha pasado a caracterizar la reflexión sobre la identidad, la cultura y la filosofía iberoamericanas. La reconstrucción de la trayectoria intelectual que ha hecho madurar el análisis de este concepto en la obra de Ricardo Espinoza Lolas nos muestra cómo esta categoría del pensamiento sudamericano, a pesar de sus estrechos vínculos con la historia del continente, puede universalizarse y, por tanto, utilizarse como paradigma filosófico …Read more
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    Editorial II - Governing Transitions
    Elementa 2 (1-2): 67-70. 2022.
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    Ignacio Ellacuría was brutally murdered in November the 16th, 1989 by the hands of El Salvador’s Armed Forces; ten years later in 1999, a quick but detailed “schema” of Xavier Zubiri’s anthropology, which he had used for a course he taught between July and August 1968 at the Centro de Estudios Superiores para el Desarrollo (CESDE) in Medellín, was published within the second volume which collected the Jesuit’s philosophical writings. The “schema” brings together many of those theses that form th…Read more
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    Kant is an author who frequently recurs in Zubiri’s works. The constancy of the comparison between the two philosophers is entirely internal to the method of investigation itself of Zubrian philosophy, which has nothing properly historiographical, and which has posed many problems to the commentators of Spanish philosopher. Following the references to Zubiri’s interpretation of Kant in the philosophical texts of Ignacio Ellacuria (1930-1989), we will try to feed a two-part comparison whose main …Read more
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    The 16th century saw the greatest genocide in human history: that of the Indians of South America. First the discovery, then the conquest and finally the colonization, have irreversibly modified the human and cultural fabric of the New World. In this story, Philosophy has taken on a specific role. Carried by the missionaries, mainly Scholastic tradition was the basis for the construction of the new Ibero-American identity. In illustrating this dynamic and its protagonists, particular attention m…Read more
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    La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella
    Quaestio 19 401-414. 2019.
    Tommaso Campanella’s dignitas hominis acquires its own autonomous and innovative historiographical value in recognizing the connection between mens and religion as a distinctive element of human be...