Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
  • VEGF internalization is not required for VEGFR-2 phosphorylation in bioengineered surfaces with covalently linked VEGF
    with S. M. Anderson, B. Shergill, Z. T. Barry, E. Manousiouthakis, E. Botvinick, M. O. Platt, M. L. Iruela-Arispe, and T. Segura
    Vascular endothelial growth factor is known to activate proliferation, migration, and survival pathways in endothelial cells through phosphorylation of VEGF receptor-2. VEGF has been incorporated into biomaterials through encapsulation, electrostatic sequestration, and covalent attachment, but the effect of these immobilization strategies on VEGF signaling has not been thoroughly investigated. Further, although growth factor internalization along with the receptor generally occurs in a physiolog…Read more