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    The predominance of patriarchally-based structures in Kristeva's work sets up an uncomfortable dichotomy for feminist critics. Her 1979 essay `Le temps des femmes' (translated as `Women's Time' in 1981) most explicitly articulates her own approach to feminism, addressing women's troubled relationship to patriarchy in terms of time and space. Kristeva identifies three distinct positions in feminist thought: `equality', `difference' and an anticipated `third generation' feminism that integrates th…Read more
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    Telephone Service Interruption Weighting Adjustments for State Health Insurance Surveys
    with Michael Davern, James Lepkowski, Kathleen Thiede Call, Noreen Arnold, Karen Goldsteen, April Todd-Malmlov, and Lynn A. Blewett
    Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (3): 280-290. 2004.