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    Intercultural Philosophy and the Nondual Wisdom of ‘Basic Goodness’: Implications for Contemplative and Transformative Education
    with Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, and Daniel Vokey
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (2): 274-293. 2015.
    Radical personal and systemic social transformation is urgently needed to address world-wide violence and inequality, pervasive moral confusion and corruption, and the rapid, unprecedented global destruction of our environment. Recent years have seen an embrace of intersubjectivity within discourse on educational transformation within academia and the public sphere. As well, there has been a turn toward contemplative education initiatives within North American schools, colleges and universities.…Read more
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    This paper aims at answering the question whether the VN30 index futures introduction has an impact on stock market volatility in Vietnam. Apply GARCH model of volatility with additive dummy variable from 28/7/2000 to 10/9/2020, the result shows that when the first listed index futures contract appears, it makes the volatility of VNIndex increases. The result is still robust after excluding the turmoil period of Vietnam stock market. This paper implies that policy maker should be more careful in…Read more
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    Towards Skillful Global Citizenship Education
    Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 21 (1): 26-38. 2013.
    This article examines the implications of aspects of Buddhist philosophy for contemporary Global Citizenship Education. With primary reference to the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh, it specifically considers Buddhist understandings of suffering, the doctrine of no-self, the notion of store-consciousness, and the law of karma. The article subsequently introduces a skillful global citizenship education that is built on three pillars; namely, skillful awareness of interdependence, skillful compassion,…Read more
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    Towards Intercultural Philosophy of Education
    with Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, Charles Scott, and Saskia Tait
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6): 635-649. 2014.
    In this paper, we propose an understanding of philosophy of education as cultural and intercultural work and philosophers of education as cultural and intercultural workers. In our view, the discipline of philosophy of education in North America is currently suffering from measures of insularity and singularity. It is vital that we justly and respectfully engage with and expand our knowledge and understanding of sets of conceptual and life-practice resources, and honor and learn from diverse his…Read more