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    Introduction to Symposium on Jean-Philippe Robé’s Property, Power and Politics
    Journal of Law and Political Economy 3 (3): 558-563. 2023.
    Our present crises are growing more urgent, pervading many domains of public life—economic, political, environmental, and social. This motivates scholars to find more adequate, combinatory perspectives from which to explain them. One such effort, under the broad heading of Law and Political Economy (LPE), challenges an established view of legality that insulates the market and its dominant actors from critique and accountability. The established view is based on two misconceptions. First, it …Read more
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    Book Review: Revolution, An Intellectual History (review)
    Marx and Philosophy Review of Books. forthcoming.
  • Capital, Autonomy, and the Limits of Corporate Critique
    Journal of Law and Political Economy 3 (3). 2023.
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    Market Socialism as a Form of Life
    Review of Social Economy. forthcoming.
    Capitalism is not only an economic order, but a form of life. Market socialism is proposed as an alternative, and should be assessed according to the standards of second-order coherence and social rationality that make a form of life habitable. I argue that it fails to meet those standards. Competitive market practices encode values that determine specific reasons for action and belief, reasons antithetical to those given by the principle of community. That principle, however, validates the poli…Read more
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    Menger or Marx? The Political Ontology of Cryptocurrency
    with Jason Grant Allen
    Cambridge Journal of Economics. 2023.
    One of the perennial fault-lines in monetary theory is that between commodity and credit theories of money. The emergence of alternative payment systems based on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, of which Bitcoin is the most prominent example, has raised a host of important questions in relation to this debate. This article considers two. The first is ontological: Are Bitcoin and similar ‘cryptocurrencies’ best conceived of as money? The second is political: Do these money candidat…Read more
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    Productive freedom
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. forthcoming.
    This paper presents and defends a new conception of freedom as a value in the sphere of economic production. It challenges the common, proprietarian-contractual view of economic liberty. My alternative integrates three elements: compossible control, non-alienation, and reason-responsiveness. After surveying various forms of freedom, conceptual ground is cleared for the presentation of those three elements in a relational structure. I define them, show how they interpenetrate, and argue for their…Read more
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    Editorial Note
    with Elisabetta Gobbo and Benjamin Mullins
    Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 16 (1): 28-30. 2023.
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    Freely Associated Production as a Political Ideal
    Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1): 257-268. 2023.
    This paper offers a brief account and defense of freely associated production as a political ideal. I discuss its conceptual structure, specifying what is meant by free association in terms of economic production, the sense in which it is a value for political order, and its approximate place in an historical lineage of reflection on freedom. Given that our economic arrangements are constitutively determined by law and public policy, and involve relations of governing power, the values that lega…Read more