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    This chapter constitutes an attempt to present a modern version of what Platonism in mathematics really entails. Thus one can view it as an attempt to get a closer approximation to Platonic Platonism and not get stuck in Plato’s Platonism, which admittedly has great historical value, but when it comes to its specific details only such. In particular, the presentation takes exception to the post-Plato development of Plato’s Platonism, the so-called Neo-platonism, which is an exalted version of Pl…Read more
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    Whose Fault Is It?
    with Bengt Brülde, Lina Eriksson, and Fredrik Hedenus
    Environmental Ethics 45 (2): 103-129. 2023.
    Many of the major challenges facing global society are unstructured collective harms (e.g., global warming): collective in the sense that they arise as the result of the actions of, or interactions among, multiple agents, and unstructured in the sense that there is no coordination or intention to cause harm among these agents. But how should we distribute moral responsibility for these harms? In this paper, an answer is proposed to this question. This answer builds on but develops existing propo…Read more
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    I var tid ar ambitionen att sa mycket verksamhet som mojlig skall vila pa vetenskaplig grund. Darmed utokas vetenskapens domaner, samtidigt som begreppet som sadant forflackas. Filosofen Karl Poppers syn pa vetenskapen ar mera subtil. Enligt honom kan vi ingenting veta med sakerhet, ingenting bevisa, endast falsifiera, det vill saga visa att nagot ar oforenligt med faktiska forhallanden. Det som undandrar sig falsifieringen kan vi acceptera tillsvidare. Ulf Persson provar i denna bok Poppers teo…Read more
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    Is Falsification Falsifiable?
    Foundations of Science 21 (3): 461-475. 2016.
    This is a response to a claim by Sven Ove Hansson to the effect that Poppers dictum that falsification lies at the heart of all pursuit of science has once and for all been falsified by his study of articles published in Nature during the year 2000. We claim that this is based on a misunderstanding of Poppers philosophy of science interpreting it too literally, and that alternative readings of those papers are fully compliant with falsification. We scrutinize Hansson’s arguments as well as givin…Read more