• Downey, R., Fiiredi, Z., Jockusch Jr., CG and Ruhel, LA
    with W. I. Gasarch, A. C. Y. Lee, M. Groszek, T. Hummel, H. Ishihara, B. Khoussainov, A. Nerode, I. Kalantari, and L. Welch
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 93 263. 1998.
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    Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA May 19–23, 2004
    with John Baldwin, Lev Beklemishev, Michael Hallett, Steve Jackson, Kenneth Kunen, Angus J. MacIntyre, Penelope Maddy, Joe Miller, and Michael Rathjen
    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (1). 2005.
  • Mathematical logic is the study of reasoning about mathematical objects and the degree to which mathematical and scientific reasoning can be formalized and mechanized. Logic provides the foundations of mathematics and of theoretical computer science. Classical logic defined truth, developed the theory of infinite numbers, resolved paradoxes of naive set theory, defined what an algorithm is, and established that certain mathematical principles are independent from the rest of mathematics. Modern …Read more
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    Computability Theory
    with Keshav Srinivasan and Dario Verta
    In Bharath Sriraman (ed.), Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Springer. pp. 1933-1961. 2024.
    Computability theory is the mathematical theory of algorithms, which explores the power and limitations of computation. Classical computability theory formalized the intuitive notion of an algorithm and provided a theoretical basis for digital computers. It also demonstrated the limitations of algorithms and showed that most sets of natural numbers and the problems they encode are not decidable (Turing computable). Important results of modern computability theory include the classification of th…Read more
  • In 1934, Skolem gave a remarkable construction of a countable nonstandard model of arithmetic. His construction contains ideas of the ultrapower construction which was introduced in model theory 20 years later. However, typical ultrapower constructions produce uncountable models. Skolem’s construction can also be connected with ideas from computability theory, formalized by Turing and others in 1936. The proof of one of Skolem’s key statements can be interpreted using computability-theoretic not…Read more
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    Cohesive powers of structures
    Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (5): 679-702. 2024.
    A cohesive power of a structure is an effective analog of the classical ultrapower of a structure. We start with a computable structure, and consider its effective power over a cohesive set of natural numbers. A cohesive set is an infinite set of natural numbers that is indecomposable with respect to computably enumerable sets. It plays the role of an ultrafilter, and the elements of a cohesive power are the equivalence classes of certain partial computable functions determined by the cohesive s…Read more
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    Belegradek, O., Verbovskiy, V. and Wagner, FO, Coset
    with J. Y. Halpern, B. M. Kapron, U. Kohlenbach, P. Oliva, F. Lucas, B. Luttik, P. Matet, and M. Pourmahdian
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 121 (1): 287. 2003.
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    On Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders
    with Rumen Dimitrov, Andrey Morozov, Paul Shafer, Alexandra A. Soskova, and Stefan V. Vatev
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3): 947-1004. 2023.
    Cohesive powersof computable structures are effective analogs of ultrapowers, where cohesive sets play the role of ultrafilters. Let$\omega $,$\zeta $, and$\eta $denote the respective order-types of the natural numbers, the integers, and the rationals when thought of as linear orders. We investigate the cohesive powers of computable linear orders, with special emphasis on computable copies of$\omega $. If$\mathcal {L}$is a computable copy of$\omega $that is computably isomorphic to the usual pre…Read more
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    Interpreting a Field in its Heisenberg Group
    with Rachael Alvir, Wesley Calvert, Grant Goodman, Julia Knight, Russell Miller, Andrey Morozov, Alexandra Soskova, and Rose Weisshaar
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3): 1215-1230. 2022.
    We improve on and generalize a 1960 result of Maltsev. For a field F, we denote by $H(F)$ the Heisenberg group with entries in F. Maltsev showed that there is a copy of F defined in $H(F)$, using existential formulas with an arbitrary non-commuting pair of elements as parameters. We show that F is interpreted in $H(F)$ using computable $\Sigma _1$ formulas with no parameters. We give two proofs. The first is an existence proof, relying on a result of Harrison-Trainor, Melnikov, R. Miller, and Mo…Read more
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    On the isomorphism problem for some classes of computable algebraic structures
    with Steffen Lempp, Charles F. D. McCoy, Andrei S. Morozov, and Reed Solomon
    Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5): 813-825. 2022.
    We establish that the isomorphism problem for the classes of computable nilpotent rings, distributive lattices, nilpotent groups, and nilpotent semigroups is \-complete, which is as complicated as possible. The method we use is based on uniform effective interpretations of computable binary relations into computable structures from the corresponding algebraic classes.
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    Logic and Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computing (edited book)
    with Jennifer Chubb and Ali Eskandarian
    Cambridge University Press. 2014.
    Experts in the field explore the connections across physics, quantum logic, and quantum computing.
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    Computability-theoretic categoricity and Scott families
    with Ekaterina Fokina and Daniel Turetsky
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (6): 699-717. 2019.
  • Induction, algorithmic learning theory, and philosophy (edited book)
    with Michele Friend and Norma B. Goethe
    Springer. 2007.
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    Σ 1 0 and Π 1 0 equivalence structures
    with Douglas Cenzer and Jeffrey B. Remmel
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (7): 490-503. 2011.
    We study computability theoretic properties of and equivalence structures and how they differ from computable equivalence structures or equivalence structures that belong to the Ershov difference hierarchy. Our investigation includes the complexity of isomorphisms between equivalence structures and between equivalence structures
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    Partial automorphism semigroups
    with Jennifer Chubb, Andrei S. Morozov, Sarah Pingrey, and Eric Ufferman
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 156 (2): 245-258. 2008.
    We study the relationship between algebraic structures and their inverse semigroups of partial automorphisms. We consider a variety of classes of natural structures including equivalence structures, orderings, Boolean algebras, and relatively complemented distributive lattices. For certain subsemigroups of these inverse semigroups, isomorphism of the subsemigroups yields isomorphism of the underlying structures. We also prove that for some classes of computable structures, we can reconstruct a c…Read more
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    Bounding Homogeneous Models
    with Barbara F. Csima, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, and Robert I. Soare
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (1). 2007.
    A Turing degree d is homogeneous bounding if every complete decidable (CD) theory has a d-decidable homogeneous model A, i.e., the elementary diagram De (A) has degree d. It follows from results of Macintyre and Marker that every PA degree (i.e., every degree of a complete extension of Peano Arithmetic) is homogeneous bounding. We prove that in fact a degree is homogeneous bounding if and only if it is a PA degree. We do this by showing that there is a single CD theory T such that every homogene…Read more
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    $\Pi _{1}^{0}$ Classes and Strong Degree Spectra of Relations
    with John Chisholm, Jennifer Chubb, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Carl G. Jockusch, Timothy McNicholl, and Sarah Pingrey
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3). 2007.
    We study the weak truth-table and truth-table degrees of the images of subsets of computable structures under isomorphisms between computable structures. In particular, we show that there is a low c.e. set that is not weak truth-table reducible to any initial segment of any scattered computable linear ordering. Countable $\Pi _{1}^{0}$ subsets of 2ω and Kolmogorov complexity play a major role in the proof
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    Some effects of Ash–Nerode and other decidability conditions on degree spectra
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (1): 51-65. 1991.
    With every new recursive relation R on a recursive model , we consider the images of R under all isomorphisms from to other recursive models. We call the set of Turing degrees of these images the degree spectrum of R on , and say that R is intrinsically r.e. if all the images are r.e. C. Ash and A. Nerode introduce an extra decidability condition on , expressed in terms of R. Assuming this decidability condition, they prove that R is intrinsically r.e. if and only if a natural recursive-syntacti…Read more
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    Chains and antichains in partial orderings
    with Carl G. Jockusch and Julia F. Knight
    Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (1): 39-53. 2009.
    We study the complexity of infinite chains and antichains in computable partial orderings. We show that there is a computable partial ordering which has an infinite chain but none that is ${\Sigma _{1}^{1}}$ or ${\Pi _{1}^{1}}$ , and also obtain the analogous result for antichains. On the other hand, we show that every computable partial ordering which has an infinite chain must have an infinite chain that is the difference of two ${\Pi _{1}^{1}}$ sets. Our main result is that there is a computa…Read more
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    Isomorphism relations on computable structures
    with Ekaterina B. Fokina, Sy-David Friedman, Julia F. Knight, Charles Mccoy, and Antonio Montalbán
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1): 122-132. 2012.
    We study the complexity of the isomorphism relation on classes of computable structures. We use the notion of FF-reducibility introduced in [9] to show completeness of the isomorphism relation on many familiar classes in the context of all ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{1}^{1}$ equivalence relations on hyperarithmetical subsets of ω
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    San Antonio Convention Center San Antonio, Texas January 14–15, 2006
    with Douglas Cenzer, C. Ward Henson, Michael C. Laskowski, Alain Louveau, Russell Miller, Itay Neeman, and Sergei Starchenko
    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (4). 2006.
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    Turing degrees of hypersimple relations on computable structures
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 121 (2-3): 209-226. 2003.
    Let be an infinite computable structure, and let R be an additional computable relation on its domain A. The syntactic notion of formal hypersimplicity of R on , first introduced and studied by Hird, is analogous to the computability-theoretic notion of hypersimplicity of R on A, given the definability of certain effective sequences of relations on A. Assuming that R is formally hypersimple on , we give general sufficient conditions for the existence of a computable isomorphic copy of on whose d…Read more
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    Π11 Relations And Paths Through
    with Sergey Goncharov, Julia Knight, and Richard Shore
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2): 585-611. 2004.
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    Computability of fraïssé limits
    with Barbara F. Csima, Russell Miller, and Antonio Montalbán
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1). 2011.
    Fraïssé studied countable structures S through analysis of the age of S i.e., the set of all finitely generated substructures of S. We investigate the effectiveness of his analysis, considering effectively presented lists of finitely generated structures and asking when such a list is the age of a computable structure. We focus particularly on the Fraïssé limit. We also show that degree spectra of relations on a sufficiently nice Fraïssé limit are always upward closed unless the relation is defi…Read more
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    Effective categoricity of Abelian p -groups
    with Wesley Calvert, Douglas Cenzer, and Andrei Morozov
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2): 187-197. 2009.
    We investigate effective categoricity of computable Abelian p-groups . We prove that all computably categorical Abelian p-groups are relatively computably categorical, that is, have computably enumerable Scott families of existential formulas. We investigate which computable Abelian p-groups are categorical and relatively categorical
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    Regular relations and the quantifier “there exist uncountably many”
    with Zarko Mijajlović
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (3): 151-161. 1983.