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    „Jak to jest”. Czarna skrzynia Bałki a zalety i wady rozwiązania sensomotorycznego: Wprowadzenie
    Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1): 297-306. 2010.
    “How should I move forward?” you might ask yourself, as you stand at the threshold confronted by the darkness ahead. Many of us learn from an early age to fear the unfamiliar or the unknown. If the unknown is without light, it can become unjustifiably terrifying. How you approach the unknown is unique, as your first encounter with anything can only really be as an individual. Staring ahead into the black void of “How it is” you may wonder whether to move ahead at all. “How it is” simultaneously …Read more
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    What is it like not to see? Can the body compensate for lack of vision in experience? The work by Miroslaw Balka, a Polish artist, takes the form of a windowless room 50ft high and 40ft long that is designed to create pitch dark inside. In the turbine hall of the TATE Modern, you walk up a ramp into the container-like room. The further inside you get, the darker it gets, until it is virtually impossible to see the person beside you. You momentarily experience what it is like not to see. The expe…Read more
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    Grand Illusion and Grand Presence. Introduction
    Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1). 2011.
  • „Jak to jest”. Czarna skrzynia Bałki a zalety i wady rozwiązania sensomotorycznego: Wprowadzenie
    Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1): 297-306. 2010.
    “How should I move forward?” you might ask yourself, as you stand at the threshold confronted by the darkness ahead. Many of us learn from an early age to fear the unfamiliar or the unknown. If the unknown is without light, it can become unjustifiably terrifying. How you approach the unknown is unique, as your first encounter with anything can only really be as an individual. Staring ahead into the black void of “How it is” you may wonder whether to move ahead at all. “How it is” simultaneously …Read more
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    We experience the world as perceivers armed with many different sense modalities. These modalities include sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste, each giving an array of sensations and feelings to our phenomenology. How these sensations and feelings come to be is the central concern of the so-called “hard problem” of qualitative experience