3310On Heidegger's Concept of Freedom: Dasein's Essence and the Determinism of TechnologyLux Veritatis: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1): 137-149. 2015.The paper argues that Feenberg‘s critique of Heidegger is rather erroneous. Against his accusation that Heidegger is determinist, the Dasein rather exemplifies a radical freedom from technology‘s enframing. Dasein holds a freedom as it has the capacity to be free, not only from the technological devices and attitudes, but also from the ontology of enframing, which is founded to what Heidegger historically described as forgetfulness of Being, where Being is treated only as entities or beings. Fee…Read more
1420Review of Moral Politics in the Philippines: Inequality, Democracy and the Urban Poor (review)Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 23. 2019.As Filipinos are in search for solutions to their nation's problems of corruption, poverty, inequality, and different forms of injustice, Kusaka's Moral Politics in the Philippines: Inequality, Democracy and the Urban Poor takes a step back from seeking remedies to these problems and reexamines how these issues are commonly articulated. The book investigates moral politics, a discursive framework, to come to terms with how citizens form their understanding of social problems through their notion…Read more
1093Marx's Epistemology and the Problem of Conflated IdealismsInternational Journal of Philosophy and Social Values 2 (1): 65-79. 2018.Focusing on the conceptual terms of the idealist-realist debate, the paper shows that the inability of the realists to recognize Marx’s idealist heritage is out of the realists’ limited understanding of the category of idealism in their reading. To prove the paper’s case, the first section starts with elucidation of Marx’s concept of epistemological idealism as read by his interpreters. It shows the actual meaning of epistemological idealism as used by Kolakowski, Lukacs, and other idealist read…Read more
1035Marx’s Idealism: The Epistemology of the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844Dissertation, Ateneo de Manila University. 2017.The issue on whether the epistemological view of Engels and the Marxists can be identified to Marx opens the question on what Marx’s actual view on knowledge. This debate on Marx’s epistemology is divided between realist and idealist interpretation of his texts: the former reads that for Marx knowledge is a copy of an independent reality existing outside of man, while the latter views that for the same philosopher, knowledge is in some sense constructed by the subject. This study contributes to …Read more
141The Concrete over Abstract: Marx's Humanism over Heidegger's (anti)HumanismLux Veritatis: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (1): 1-12. 2018.The question of “how one should philosophize?” is driven not only out of the desire to have a glimpse of the ideas worthy to be regarded as true, but also to address the pressing problems of the time. Marx’s humanism, as articulated mainly in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, suggests a certain thinking that addresses the latter. It is the humanism that discovers the concrete estrangement of workers from the abstraction of the political economy at the backdrop of human emancipati…Read more
Mula maynila patungong bangsamoro: Pakikibaka sa pangdayo na pamimilosopiyaIn Axle Christien Tugano (ed.), Banwa at Layag: Antolohiya ng mga Kuwentong Paglalakbay ng mga Pilipino sa Ibayong Dagat, Limbagang Pangkasaysayan. pp. 110-117. 2023.Casil, Vincent. 2023. Mula maynila patungong bangsamoro: Pakikibaka sa pangdayo na pamimilosopiya. In Banwa at Layag: Antolohiya ng mga Kuwentong Paglalakbay ng mga Pilipino sa Ibayong Dagat, ed. Axle Christien Tugano, pp. 110-117. Manila: Limbagang Pangkasaysayan.
Vincent Casil
De La Salle College of St. Benilde
Policy Research and Legal ServicesOther
De La Salle College of St. BenildeRegular Faculty (Part-time)
Lyceum of The Philippines UniversityRegular Faculty (Part-time)
Areas of Specialization
Social and Political Philosophy |
Socialism and Marxism |
Areas of Interest
Social and Political Philosophy |
Normative Ethics |
Socialism and Marxism |