•  16
    SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are indispensable allies in the fight against COVID-19. Behavioral and cognitive scientists have argued for taking advantage of insights from their fields of investigations in shaping anti-COVID policies. B&C scientists extensively discussed the methodological and practical issues that arise in translating B&C research results into policy interventions aimed to boost vaccination, Nevertheless, the same cannot be said for the ethical aspects. In the present work, we discuss th…Read more
  •  18
    Mechanistic explanations and the ethics of nudging
    Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 13 (3): 175-186. 2022.
    _Abstract_: Nudges have proven to be effective tools for steering citizens toward desirable behaviors and make valuable additions to any policy-maker’s toolbox. Disappointingly, however, there are no mechanistic explanations for how nudges work, leaving policy-makers unable to explain what happens when they are implemented. This paper identifies some neglected ethical implications of the resulting citizens lack of awareness of such mechanisms. We first examine mechanistic explanations in relatio…Read more
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    A Logical Modeling of Severe Ignorance
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (4): 1053-1080. 2023.
    In the logical context, ignorance is traditionally defined recurring to epistemic logic. In particular, ignorance is essentially interpreted as “lack of knowledge”. This received view has - as we point out - some problems, in particular we will highlight how it does not allow to express a type of content-theoretic ignorance, i.e. an ignorance of φ that stems from an unfamiliarity with its meaning. Contrarily to this trend, in this paper, we introduce and investigate a modal logic having a primit…Read more
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    Mathematical models can be profitably used to establish whether our perception of the external world is accurate. Donald Hoffman and his collaborators have developed a promising mathematical framework within which this question can be addressed and which is based on an exhaustive taxonomy of the different possible relations between perceptual representations and the external world. After reformulating their framework by means of an improved formal system, we discuss their application of evolutio…Read more
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    Williamson On the Margins of Knowledge: A Criticism
    Foundations of Science 28 (1): 273-285. 2020.
    In this paper, we argue that Williamson’s arguments against luminosity and the KK principle do not work, at least in a scientific context. Both of these arguments are based on the presence of a so-called “buffer zone” between situations in which one is in a position to know p and situations in which one is in a position to know ¬p. In those positions belonging to the buffer zone ¬p holds, but one is not in a position to know ¬p. The presence of this buffer zone triggers two types of sorites argu…Read more
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    Melissus as an Analytic Metaphysicist
    with Pierluigi Graziani, Flavia Marcacci, and Mirko Tagliaferri
    Axiomathes 32 (3): 1105-1127. 2022.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the logical structure of Melissus philosophy, building on Laks Most’s translation and Barnes’ seminal work on the Samian. This will allow us to shed some light on the subtle argumentations of Melissus. On top of that, we frame Melissus’ metaphysics employing modern logical instruments. On one side, this reformulation makes clear a few assumptions hidden in the deductions made by the Samian; on the other side, our paper shows that contemporary analytic meta…Read more
  •  39
    The Dunning–Kruger effect focuses our attention on the notion of invisibility of ignorance, i.e., the ignorance of ignorance. Such a phenomenon is not only important for everyday life, but also, above all, for some philosophical disciplines, such as epistemology of sciences. When someone tries to understand formally the phenomenon of ignorance of ignorance, they usually end up with a nested epistemic operator highly resistant to proper regimentation. In this paper, we argue that to understand ad…Read more
  •  47
    Is Einstein’s Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Ψ-Epistemic?
    with Giovanni Macchia and Gino Tarozzi
    Axiomathes 29 (6): 607-619. 2019.
    Harrigan and Spekkens, introduced the influential notion of an ontological model of operational quantum theory. Ontological models can be either “epistemic” or “ontic.” According to the two scholars, Einstein would have been one of the first to propose an epistemic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Pusey et al. showed that an epistemic interpretation of quantum theory is impossible, so implying that Einstein had been refuted. We discuss in detail Einstein’s arguments against the standard inte…Read more
  •  14
    In Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia & Giovanni Macchia (eds.), Space and Time: A Priori and a Posteriori Studies, De Gruyter. 2014.
  •  5
    About the authors
    In Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia & Giovanni Macchia (eds.), Space and Time: A Priori and a Posteriori Studies, De Gruyter. pp. 273-276. 2014.
  •  23
    Lucas-Penrose type arguments have been the focus of many papers in the literature. In the present paper we attempt to evaluate the consequences of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems for the philosophy of the mind. We argue that the best answer to this question was given by Gödel already in 1951 when he realized that either our intellectual capability is not representable by a Turing Machine, or we can never know with mathematical certainty what such a machine is. But his considerations became known…Read more
  •  19
    Abstract. An opposition between two conceptions of our knowledge of the external world is outlined. On the one hand physicists, like Dirac and Heisenberg, maintain that only what Physics considers real is actually real. On the other hand, psychologists, like Metzger, Kanizsa and Bozzi, believe that every sensible content is real, so that the Psychology of perception is the real Physics. We attempt to sketch a critical perspective, based on a reasonable criterion, in order to prospect a different…Read more
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    In the present essay Kantian prohibition against scientific cosmology is discussed. It is shown that the possibility of such a science is based essentially on a hypothetico-deductive use of the cosmological principle. Moreover the epistemological character of the latter is investigated, in order to prove that it has no a priori character, against the received view on the topics.
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    The present paper is divided in two parts . In the first part we will propose Meinong’s theory of time outlined in 1899 interpreted in such a way that the subtlety of his argumentation is emphasised. In the second, we will discuss different solutions for the celebrated McTaggart’s paradox, reaching the conclusion that a theory of time suggested by the reflections of the Austrian Philosopher seems to be the most adequate perspective for tackling this problem.
  •  367
    Coscienza e fisicalismo minimale
    with Claudio Calosi
    In Vincenzo Fano, Enrico Giannetto, Giulia Giannini & Pierluigi Graziani (eds.), Complessità e Riduzionismo, Isonomia - Epistemologica Series Editor. pp. 44-53. 2012.
    In questo lavoro si presenta un nuovo esperimento mentale che solleva un particolare problema per quello che possiamo chiamare “fisicalismo minimale” in filosofia della mente. In particolare si argomenta che il fisicalismo minimale o i) non è in grado di fornirne un resoconto adeguato dell’esperimento mentale presentato, o ii) viene costretto a fornire un resoconto che è fortemente in contrasto con la nostra immagine scientifica del mondo. Il problema sollevato è un particolare esempio di …Read more
  • Sulla possibilità delle leggi psicofisiche
    Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 19 (4). 2001.
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    Quantum Ontology and Extensional Mereology
    with Claudio Calosi and Gino Tarozzi
    Foundations of Physics 41 (11): 1740-1755. 2011.
    The present paper has three closely related aims. We first argue that Agazzi’s scientific realism about Quantum Mechanics is in line with Selleri’s and Tarozzi’s proposal of Quantum Waves. We then go on to formulate rigorously different metaphysical principles such as property compositional determinateness and mereological extensionalism. We argue that, contrary to widespread agreement, realism about Quantum Mechanics actually refutes only the former. Indeed we even formulate a new quantum mecha…Read more
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    Arrows, Balls and the Metaphysics of Motion
    Axiomathes 24 (4): 499-515. 2014.
    The arrow paradox is an argument purported to show that objects do not really move. The two main metaphysics of motion, the At–At theory of motion and velocity primitivism, solve the paradox differently. It is argued that neither solution is completely satisfactory. In particular it is contended that there are no decisive arguments in favor of the claim that velocity as it is constructed in the At–At theory is a truly instantaneous property, which is a crucial assumption to solve the paradox. If…Read more
  •  7
    Gödelian time travel and weyl’s principle
    In Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia & Giovanni Macchia (eds.), Space and Time: A Priori and a Posteriori Studies, De Gruyter. pp. 237-272. 2014.
  • Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza (edited book)
    with M. Stanzione and G. Tarozzi
    Rubettino. 2001.
  •  70
    This paper deals with those time travels mostly considered by physics, namely those in the form of the so-called closed timelike curves. Some authoritative scholars have raised doubts about the status of these journeys as proper time travels. By using David Lewis’ famous definition of time travels proposed in 1976, we show that this proper status may actually be recovered, at least in some cosmological contexts containing spacetime regions, such as those concerning black holes described by the K…Read more
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    In this paper, we address an infamous argument against divisibility that dates back to Zeno. There has been an incredible amount of discussion on how to understand the critical notions of divisibility, extension, and infinite divisibility that are crucial for the very formulation of the argument. The paper provides new and rigorous definitions of those notions using the formal theories of parthood and location. Also, it provides a new solution to the paradox of divisibility which does not face s…Read more