• Stoická teorie jednání: pojem ctnosti a svobody
    Filosoficky Casopis 58 567-588. 2010.
    [The Stoic theory of action: On the notion of virtue and freedom]
  • What is the main philosophical gain for a reader of the Cratylus? Led by this question, the author claims that the non-conventialist theory of names developed in the dialogue’s first part is not entirely nullified by the acceptance of conventionalism in the dialogue’s second part. Against some older and some more recent readings, he argues that a core of the non-conventialist theory remains valid in Plato’s view and, together with Plato’s professed conventionalism, represents a complex position …Read more
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    The book is a contribution on the early Stoics’ views of action, responsibility and freedom. The central claim, which sets the framework of its three chapters, is that an influential interpretation according to which the Stoics’ concept of responsibility is entirely separate from their concept of freedom (S. Bobzien) is mistaken. The present interpretation does conserve a compatibilist reading but the claim is made that if a person is responsible for an action it is so on the basis of feature…Read more
  • Chapters III–IV of De mixtione represent a new beginning of the treatise where the Stoics, the main target of Alexander’s critical assessment of preceding theories of blending, are presented in a more systematic manner than in the first chapters. Closer reading reveals that the context of the Stoic theory which Alexander is reporting is most probably the ontological query into the unity of the cosmos on its different levels in which the challenge is to distinguish blendings from other types of u…Read more
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    The first collective monograph on one of Plato’s most intriguing dialogues with interest for readers of ancient philosophy as well as those who study modern theories of language.
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    This book is an edited collection on one of Plato’s most dramatic as well as most complex dialogues, where a defence of the philosopher’s way of life is carried out against the background of interconnected rhetorical and political stances of the time.
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    Ricardo Salles, The Stoics on Determinism and Compatibilism (review)
    Philosophie Antique 7 272-275. 2007.
    Le livre de R.S. est la dernière contribution sur le sujet, qui a fait couler beaucoup d’encre dans les dernières décennies. Le déterminisme stoïcien et particulièrement sa compatibilité avec l’idée générale de responsabilité, a trouvé une interprète importante en la personne de S. Bobzien (voir ses publications 1997-1998) dont l’analyse et la défense du cas stoïcien ont été approuvées et citées depuis. L’interprétation de R.S. est alors d’autant plus intéressante qu’elle se pose comme une le...
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    Le paradoxe stoïcien
    Philosophie Antique 8 189-214. 2008.
    L’article aborde le sujet souvent débattu du rapport entre le détermi­nisme stoïcien et la morale pour rouvrir la question de la notion d’assentiment. Dans ce but, il réexamine les sources pour montrer deux choses : que les inter­prétations dites compatibilistes ont raison dans leur effort général pour montrer que les stoïciens restent déterministes quand ils présentent leur psychologie de l’action et défendent l’idée de responsabilité, mais qu’en même temps elles vont trop loin quand elles affi…Read more
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    Tad Brennan, The Stoic Life : Emotions, Duties, and Fate (review)
    Philosophie Antique 8 286-289. 2008.
    The acuity of T.B.’s shorter contributions to Stoic ethics in the last decade was certainly sufficient reason to greet with satisfaction the book in which he finally offers his overall interpretation of the subject. His previously published arguments were evidently based on a thorough general view without which it was sometimes difficult to appreciate their full strength. The extent to which T.B. is generous this time in giving his general view is obvious from the title of the book. T.B. atte...
  • The volume offers a collection of papers on one of Plato’s most intriguing dialogues. Although not a running commentary, the book covers the majority of difficult questions raised by the dialogue in which the subjects of language and ontology are tied closely together. It shows why Plato’s Cratylus has been highly regarded among readers interested in ancient philosophy and those concerned with modern semantics and theory of language. This collection also presents original views on the position o…Read more
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    Les stoïciens et Platon – monistes ou dualistes?
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (2): 299-323. 2020.
    The Stoics’ way of presenting principles – the active and the passive – is ambiguous because they say that principles are two while also suggesting that they are inseparable and thus interdependent. This ambiguity cannot be resolved in favour of one or the other side of the dilemma, as is shown by analysis of two possible models of the relations among principles – a causal and a categories-based model. This ambiguity is rather a necessary consequence of the Stoic view of principles and should be…Read more
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    Plato's Necessity Revisited
    Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5 35-48. 2008.
    The paper offers an interpretation of Plato’s Necessity in the Timaeus according to which Necessity is an entity which manifests itself in different ways at different stages of the creation of the Universe. The main argument aims to show that Necessity gains at least two different meanings in the course of the creation as described by Plato – that of limiting consequences and that of purposeless motion ; that despite the fact that Necessity is not a self-sustained principle, it has its origin in…Read more
  • Stoická teorie jednání: pojem přitakání
    Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 34 3-28. 2008.
    Již letmý pohled na filosofii 20. století, která se snaží promýšlet podstatu lidského jednání, budí dojem, že patří k její metodě vrátit se k antickým teoriím a představit je jako historické východisko, jehož nové uchopení povede k lepšímu porozumění aktuálního problému. Tyto návraty, jak je lze sledovat u Heideggera, Gadamera, Ricoeura nebo Arendtové, směřují – nakolik se jedná o teorii jednání – především k Aristotelovi a jeho základnímu rozlišení mezi poiésis a praxis. Cílem následující stati…Read more
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    The Stoic theory of action: On the notion of virtue and freedom
    Filosoficky Casopis 58 (4): 567-588. 2010.