221Perceiving God like an AngelReligious Studies. forthcoming.Mystical experiences are often regarded as potential sources of epistemic justification for religious beliefs. However, the ‘disanalogy objection’ maintains that, in contrast to sense perceptions, mystical experiences lack social verifiability and are thus merely subjective states that cannot substantiate objective truths. This article explores a novel externalist response that involves the concept of angels. As spiritual beings, angels can directly perceive God and verify these perceptions in t…Read more
713The Verifiability of Daoist Somatic Mystical ExperienceErgo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.Mystical religious experiences typically purport to engage with the transcendent and often claim to involve encounters with spiritual entities or a detachment from the material world. Daoism diverges from this paradigm. This paper examines Daoist mystical experiences of bodily transformations and explores their epistemological implications. Specifically, we defend the justificatory power of Daoist somatic experiences against the disanalogy objection. The disanalogy objection posits that mystical…Read more
Wen (Bonny) Chen
Yunnan University
Yunnan UniversityDoctoral student
Kunming, Yunnan, China
Areas of Specialization
Religious Studies |
Sociology |
Anthropology |
Areas of Interest
Religious Studies |
Sociology |
Anthropology |