•  437
    This paper resolves a paradox concerning colour constancy. On the one hand, our intuitive, pre-theoretical concept holds that colour constancy involves invariance in the perceived colours of surfaces under changes in illumination. On the other, there is a robust scientific consensus that colour constancy can persist in cerebral achromatopsia, a profound impairment in the ability to perceive colours. The first stage of the solution advocates pluralism about our colour constancy capacities. The se…Read more
  •  20
    Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial Psychiatry in Modern Medicine (edited book)
    with Julian Savulescu and Rebecca Roache
    Oxford University Press. 2020.
    With contributions from psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, this book provides the most comprehensive account to date of the interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors in mental health and their ethical dimensions.
  •  46
    Colour Relations in Black and White
    The Harvard Review of Philosophy 27 87-100. 2020.
    I argue that it is possible to perceptually represent colour relations between two objects, without perceptually representing their colours. Such primitive relational colour representation goes against the orthodox view that we represent colour relations by virtue of representing colours. I first argue that under certain assumptions, PRCR is conceptually and even nomically possible. I then compare two possible models of PRCR: the linguaform model and chromatic edge model, the latter involving ic…Read more
  •  25
    Colour Vision and Seeing Colours
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 2017.
  •  159
    The inscrutability of colour similarity
    Philosophical Studies 171 (2): 289-311. 2014.
    This paper presents a new response to the colour similarity argument, an argument that many people take to pose the greatest threat to colour physicalism. The colour similarity argument assumes that if colour physicalism is true, then colour similarities should be scrutable under standard physical descriptions of surface reflectance properties such as their spectral reflectance curves. Given this assumption, our evident failure to find such similarities at the reducing level seemingly proves fat…Read more
  •  247
    Externalist Psychiatry
    Analysis 76 (3): 290-296. 2016.
    Psychiatry widely assumes an internalist biomedical model of mental illness. I argue that many of psychiatry’s diagnostic categories involve an implicit commitment to constitutive externalism about mental illness. Some of these categories are socially externalist in nature.
  •  15
    Forum on John Hyman, "The objective eye"
    with S. Chiodo, J. Hyman, Z. Adams, P. Spinincci, and M. Budd
    Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 2 79-117. 2012.
  •  389
    Colour Relations in Form
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (3): 574-594. 2020.
    The orthodox monadic determination thesis holds that we represent colour relations by virtue of representing colours. Against this orthodoxy, I argue that it is possible to represent colour relations without representing any colours. I present a model of iconic perceptual content that allows for such primitive relational colour representation, and provide four empirical arguments in its support. I close by surveying alternative views of the relationship between monadic and relational colour repr…Read more
  •  174
    Colour Vision and Seeing Colours
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3): 657-690. 2018.
    Colour vision plays a foundational explanatory role in the philosophy of colour, and serves as perennial quarry in the wider philosophy of perception. I present two contributions to our understanding of this notion. The first is to develop a constitutive approach to characterizing colour vision. This approach seeks to comprehend the nature of colour vision qua psychological kind, as contrasted with traditional experiential approaches, which prioritize descriptions of our ordinary visual experien…Read more
  •  61
    Reassessing Biopsychosocial Psychiatry
    British Journal of Psychiatry 210 (1): 3-5. 2017.
    Psychiatry uncomfortably spans biological and psychosocial perspectives on mental illness, an idea central to Engel's biopsychosocial paradigm. This paradigm was extremely ambitious, proposing new foundations for clinical practice as well as a non-reductive metaphysics for mental illness. Perhaps given this scope, the approach has failed to engender a clearly identifiable research programme. And yet the view remains influential. We reassess the relevance of the biopsychosocial paradigm for psych…Read more
  •  156
    Colour Constancy, Illumination, and Matching
    Philosophy of Science 83 (4): 540-562. 2016.
    Colour constancy is a foundational and yet puzzling phenomenon. Standard appearance invariantism is threatened by the psychophysical matching argument, which is taken to favour variantism. This argument, however, is inconclusive. The data at best support a pluralist view: colour constancy is sometimes variantist, sometimes invariantist. I add another potential explanation of these data, complex invariantism, which adopts an atypical six-dimensional model of colour appearance. Finally I prospect …Read more