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    Stanislas Breton
    Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 4 (1): 3-24. 2022.
    The name Stanislas Breton likely drums up a few interesting facts: chum of Louis Althusser or Michel de Certeau, author of an obscure spiritual classic or bewildering treatises on Nothing, the Imaginary, and the “poetics of the sensible” – an idiosyncratic figure at the margins, writing on St. Paul or Proclus well before it was mainstream. Coming across his name can be like discovering a great record that none of your friends are talking about or taking a chance on Netflix to find an arthouse ‘h…Read more
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    Method, Metaphysics, Metaphor (Being after Phenomenology)
    Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (2): 54-76. 2014.
    Method, metaphysics, metaphor: three words with a common prefix, which, for philosophy, bear an ancient pedigree. Classically, the last word, as an object of philosophical reflection, has mostly been excluded from bearing any philosophical significance; we will see how this can no longer be the case today, precisely for phenomenology. If the “method” of phenomenology is wholly determined by its goal, namely, "pure" description, and if description is paradoxically only actualized in a figurative …Read more
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    God, the Flesh, and the Other: From Irenaeus to Duns Scotus (edited book)
    Northwestern University Press. 2014.
    In _God, the Flesh, and the Other, _the philosopher Emmanuel Falque joins the ongoing debate about the role of theology in phenomenology. An important voice in the second generation of French philosophy’s “theological turn,” Falque examines philosophically the fathers of the Church and the medieval theologians on the nature of theology and the objects comprising it. Falque works phenomenology itself into the corpus of theology. Theological concepts thus translate into philosophical terms that ph…Read more
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    Method, Metaphysics, Metaphor (Being after Phenomenology)
    Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (2): 54-76. 2014.
    Method, metaphysics, metaphor: three words with a common prefix, which, for philosophy, bear an ancient pedigree. Classically, the last word, as an object of philosophical reflection, has mostly been excluded from bearing any philosophical significance; we will see how this can no longer be the case today, precisely for phenomenology. If the “method” of phenomenology is wholly determined by its goal, namely, "pure" description, and if description is paradoxically only actualized in a figurative …Read more
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    No Neutral Metaphysics: Miklos Vetö
    Research in Phenomenology 44 (2): 301-314. 2014.
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    Prayer, the Political Problem
    Philosophy and Theology 27 (1): 209-233. 2015.
    This essay attempts to describe some basic aspects of the political logic of religious belief by reference to some recent work of Sarah Coakley. It does so in two parts. First we examine two models of God, the model of “competition,” shared by pop atheism and religious fundamentalism, and the model of “cooperation,” as espoused by classical religious belief. As an explication of this latter model, in the second part we examine what I term the “doxological feminism” of Sarah Coakley as it appears…Read more
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    La phénoménologie et le concept de vie: Un entretien avec Renaud Barbaras
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2): 153-179. 2011.
    Interview with Renaud Barbaras, conducted on May 18, 2011
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    Les concepts fondamentaux de la phénoménologie: Entretien avec Claude Romano
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2): 173-202. 2012.
    Entretien avec Claude Romano