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    Faking It
    Cambridge University Press. 2003.
    This book is about the intrusive fear that we may not be what we appear to be, or worse, that we may be only what we appear to be and nothing more. It is concerned with the worry of being exposed as frauds in our profession, cads in our love lives, as less than virtuously motivated actors when we are being agreeable, charitable, or decent. Why do we so often mistrust the motives of our own deeds, thinking them fake, though the beneficiary of them gives us full credit? Much of this book deals wit…Read more
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    Deceit in war and trade
    In Clancy W. Martin (ed.), The philosophy of deception, Oxford University Press. 2009.
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    "In this book, William Ian Miller offers his reflections on the perverse consequences, indeed, often the opposite of intended effects, of so-called good things. Noted for his remarkable erudition, wit, and playful pessimism, Miller here ranges over topics from personal disasters to literary and national ones. Drawing on a truly immense store of knowledge encompassing literature, philosophy, theology, and history, he excavates the evidence of human anxieties around scarcity in all its forms. With…Read more
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    Deep inner lives, individualism and people of honour
    History of Political Thought 16 (2): 190-207. 1995.