Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America
  •  27
    Subjugation and Bondage: Critical Essays on Slavery and Social Philosophy (edited book)
    with Anita Allen, Bernard Boxill, Joshua Cohen, R. M. Hare, Bill Lawson, Tommy Lott, Howard McGary, Julius Moravcsik, Laurence Thomas, Julie Ward, Bernard Williams, and Cynthia Willett
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 1998.
    This volume addresses a wide variety of moral concerns regarding slavery as an institutionalized social practice. By considering the slave's critical appropriation of the natural rights doctrine, the ambiguous implications of various notions of consent and liberty are examined. The authors assume that, although slavery is undoubtedly an evil social practice, its moral assessment stands in need of a more nuanced treatment. They address the question of what is wrong with slavery by critically exam…Read more
  • Adaptable robots
    with Gene Korienek
    In James Moor & Terrell Ward Bynum (eds.), Cyberphilosophy: the intersection of philosophy and computing, Blackwell. 2002.
  • In this dissertation I argue for three main philosophical points and three points of interpretation. The first philosophical point is that empiricism requires an anti-essentialist account of classification, and particularly the classification of natural kind. This has long been recognized. My second philosophical point is that the anti-essentialist attitude of the empiricist requires the rejection of the notion of real individuals. By the notion of real individuals I mean the claim that individu…Read more
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    The anti-essential Locke and natural kinds
    Philosophical Quarterly 38 (152): 330-339. 1988.
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    Adaptable robots
    with Gene Korienek
    Metaphilosophy 33 (1-2): 83-97. 2002.
    In this essay we consider some of the characteristics of adaptive biological systems and how these might work as models in designing a robot intended for the exploration of complex environments. Trying to design a robot that has such properties forces one to think hard about the nature of those properties. Here we have one intersection between philosophy and computing. We consider the nature of adaptability and some properties of complex biological systems that are relevant to designing adaptive…Read more
  •  15
    An important work in the debate between materialists and dualists, the public correspondence between Anthony Collins and Samuel Clarke provided the framework for arguments over consciousness and personal identity in eighteenth-century Britain. In Clarke’s view, mind and consciousness are so unified that they cannot be compounded into wholes or divided into parts, so mind and consciousness must be distinct from matter. Collins, by contrast, was a perceptive advocate of a materialist account of mi…Read more
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    David Wiggins, Sameness and Substance Renewed (review)
    Philosophy in Review 22 227-229. 2002.
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    Relative Identity and Locke's Principle of Individuation
    History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (3). 1990.
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    Anthony Collins
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.
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    John Locke
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.
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    The correspondence between Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins of 1706–8, while not well known, is a spectacularly good debate between a dualist and a materialist over the possibility of giving a materialist account of consciousness and personal identity. This article puts the Clarke Collins Correspondence in a broader context in which it can be better appreciated, noting that it is really a debate between John Locke and Anthony Collins on one hand, and Samuel Clarke and Joseph Butler on the other…Read more
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    John Toland’s Letters to Serena ed. by Ian Leask
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3): 506-506. 2016.
    Ian Leask’s new edition of John Toland’s Letters to Serena, last published in 1704, has all the marks of a fine new edition of an early eighteenth-century book—it has an index, timeline, all of Toland’s notes, along with editor’s notes explaining many of the obscure names to be found in the letters; and it has a first-rate introduction in which Leask nicely explains the letters and what he takes Toland to be doing. John Toland’s intentions and influences are a matter of a very high degree of sch…Read more