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    Molecular architecture of contactin-Associated protein-like 2 and its interaction with contactin 2
    with Z. Lu, Mvvvs Reddy, J. Liu, A. Kalichava, L. Zhang, F. Chen, Y. Wang, L. M. F. Holthauzen, M. A. White, S. Seshadrinathan, G. Ren, and G. Rudenko
    Contactin-Associated protein-like 2 is a large multidomain neuronal adhesion molecule implicated in a number of neurological disorders, including epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and language delay. We reveal here by electron microscopy that the architecture of CNTNAP2 is composed of a large, medium, and small lobe that flex with respect to each other. Using epitope labeling and fragments, we assign the F58C, L1, and L2 domains to the large lobe, the FB…Read more