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    Are Intrinsic Properties Independent of Accompaniment?
    Journal of Human Cognition 5 (1): 20-37. 2021.
    A combinatorial analysis of intrinsicality takes intrinsic properties to be independent of accompaniment: a property is intrinsic only if it is possible for a lonely or an accompanied thing to have it or lack it (I). Cameron argues that the combinatorial analysis in Langton & Lewis (1998) faces an epistemic circularity, which makes (I) suspicious. In this paper, I examine two approaches to free the combinatorial analyses from the circularity and find them all fail. Then I provide an outline of a…Read more
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    A Two-Stage Offline-to-Online Multiobjective Optimization Strategy for Ship Integrated Energy System Economical/ Environmental Scheduling Problem
    with Qing An, Jun Zhang, Xin Li, Xiaobing Mao, Yulong Feng, Xiaodi Zhang, Ruoli Tang, and Hongfeng Su
    Complexity 2021 1-12. 2021.
    The economical/environmental scheduling problem of the ship integrated energy system has high computational complexity, which includes more than one optimization objective, various types of constraints, and frequently fluctuated load demand. Therefore, the intelligent scheduling strategies cannot be applied to the ship energy management system online, which has limited computing power and storage space. Aiming at realizing green computing on SEMS, in this paper a typical SIES-EESP optimization m…Read more
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    This article studies a type of comparative in Mandarin Chinese, which has rarely been discussed in the literature (Cheng 1966). I refer to them as Differential Verbal Comparatives (DVCs). I show that DVCs, unlike Chinese adjectival and adverbial comparatives, allow differentials that are definite DPs, for example, Jane Eyre he Pride and Prejudice ‘Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice’. Based on this fact and other empirical differences between DVCs and adjectival/adverbial comparatives in Mandarin …Read more
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    We investigate the cross-correlations of return-volume relationship of the Bitcoin market. In particular, we select eight exchange rates whose trading volume accounts for more than 98% market shares to synthesize Bitcoin indexes. The empirical results based on multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis reveal that the nonlinear dependencies and power-law cross-correlations in return-volume relationship are found; all cross-correlations are multifractal, and there are antipersistent behavi…Read more
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    Predicting Protein Interactions Using a Deep Learning Method-Stacked Sparse Autoencoder Combined with a Probabilistic Classification Vector Machine
    with Yanbin Wang, Zhuhong You, Liping Li, Li Cheng, Xi Zhou, Libo Zhang, and Tonghai Jiang
    Complexity 2018 1-12. 2018.
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    Weibo Attention and Stock Market Performance: Some Empirical Evidence
    with Minghua Dong, Xiong Xiong, and Dehua Shen
    Complexity 2018 1-8. 2018.
    In this paper, we employ Weibo Index as the proxy for investor attention and analyze the relationships between investor attention and stock market performance, i.e., trading volume, return, and volatility. The empirical results firstly show that Weibo attention is positively related to trading volume, intraday volatility, and return. Secondly, there exist bidirectional causal relationships between Weibo attention and stock market performance. Thirdly, we generally find that higher Weibo attentio…Read more
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    In Mandarin Chinese, gradable predicates can be classified into two types based on their morphosyntactic features: one consisting of gradable lexemes like gradable adjectives and gradable verbs, and the other consisting of verbal phrases made up of a possessive/existential morpheme, you, and a bare NP. The goal of this paper is to provide a formal account of the gradability of the “you + NP” construction. We show that the gradability of this construction is conditioned by the NP inside: when the…Read more
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    New evidence for ball games in Eurasia from ca. 3000-year-old Yanghai tombs in the Turfan depression of Northwest China
    with Patrick Wertmann, Xinyong Chen, Dongliang Xu, Pavel E. Tarasov, and Mayke Wagner
    . 2020.
    Three leather balls discovered in tombs IM157, IM209, and IM214 of the prehistoric Yanghai cemetery (42°48′N, 89°39′E) located about 43 km southeast of the modern city of Turfan, were AMS radiocarbon dated to the time interval between 1189 and 911 BCE (95% probability), and thus predate other currently known antique balls and images of ball games in Eurasia by several centuries. Our study approves the antiquity of the Yanghai balls, but the available data is not enough to answer the question how…Read more