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    Theoretical investigation of the optical spectra and local lattice structure for Mn5+in a Sr106F2crystal
    with W. L. Feng, Y. C. Zhong, F. Zhang, and Q. Wei
    Philosophical Magazine 90 (9): 1213-1217. 2010.
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    Dynamical phenomena in fast sliding nanotube models
    with G. E. Santoro, U. Tartaglino, and E. Tosatti
    Philosophical Magazine 93 (8): 922-948. 2013.
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    The Challenges of Medical Ethics in China: Are Gene-Edited Babies Enough?
    with Zeng Jie Ye, Jian Liang, and Ying Tang
    Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1): 123-125. 2020.
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    公共健康倫理中的自主性問題:COVID-19疫情背景下的討論: Issues of Autonomy in Public Health Ethics: A Discussion in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (review)
    with L. I. U. Zi Yi and Wei Xiao
    International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (1): 41-62. 2022.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. COVID-19疫情的爆發,突顯出公共健康倫理中自主性與公共健康之間的緊張關係。以“publichealth”、“ethics”、“autonomy”為主題詞在WebofScience核心合集數據庫中進行文獻收集,借助CiteSpace6.1軟件進行信息可視化分析,發現2020年1月1日至2022年5月14日期間,生命倫理/公共健康倫理領域對於“自主性”概念的討論大體上集中在“知情同意”、“健康保健政策"、“健康質量”、“信息技術”和“老年歧視/老年群體”範圍。本文在此基礎上提煉分析COVID-19疫情中的四個“自主性‘‘難題 如何避免以公共健康/公共利益為名過度限制自主性、在數字技術應用中如何保障自主性、如何保障老年群體的自主性和生命權,如何通過促進自主性來推動公共健康目標的實現。COVID-19疫情是一個重塑公共健康倫理自主性概念的歷史契機。冷酷的病毒已經作為一種媒介把人類的命運緊密地聯繫起來,而基於關懷倫理和共同體倫理重塑的自主性概念則有望給疫情…Read more
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    G -LIME: Statistical learning for local interpretations of deep neural networks using global priors
    with Xuhong Li, Haoyi Xiong, Xingjian Li, Ji Liu, Haiyan Jiang, Zeyu Chen, and Dejing Dou
    Artificial Intelligence 314 (C): 103823. 2023.
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    Impact of News Overload on Social Media News Curation: Mediating Role of News Avoidance
    with Shamim Akhter, Abdelmohsen A. Nassani, and Mohamed Haffar
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    In this global village, easy access to news has resulted in many changes in the preferences and patterns of people for accessing news. Therefore, the present study has attempted to investigate the effects of news relevance, perceived quality, and news overloading on people’s news curation preferences. This study has also examined the mediating role of news avoidance between the news relevance, perceived quality, and news overloading on the news curation. A quantitative technique has been employe…Read more
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    EWOM, what are we suspecting? Motivation, truthfulness or identity
    with Yun Wu and Wendy Wang
    Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (1): 104-128. 2021.
    PurposeAs fake information has become the norm on the internet, it is important to investigate how skepticism impacts an individual’s attitude toward word-of-mouth (eWOM). This study examines eWOM skepticism via three dimensions: suspicion of motivation, suspicion of truthfulness and suspicion of identity. It investigates not only which of the three dimensions is more influential in eWOM situations but also the variations and relationships among these three. Furthermore, this study evaluates how…Read more
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    EWOM, what are we suspecting? Motivation, truthfulness or identity
    with Yun Wu and Wendy Wang
    Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4): 104-128. 2021.
    PurposeAs fake information has become the norm on the internet, it is important to investigate how skepticism impacts an individual’s attitude toward word-of-mouth (eWOM). This study examines eWOM skepticism via three dimensions: suspicion of motivation, suspicion of truthfulness and suspicion of identity. It investigates not only which of the three dimensions is more influential in eWOM situations but also the variations and relationships among these three. Furthermore, this study evaluates how…Read more