•  738
    每本书都能有自己的一个名字,这实在是一件有趣且意味深长的事情。 这本书的名字,《存在或上帝 —— 对西方意识形态的建设性批判》,虽然长了点,但同样不失其有趣与意味深长。 书名中所谓的“西方意识形态”,指的是起源于西方世界,贯穿于西方历史,激发并引导了神学、哲学、数学、逻辑、艺术、科学、心理、经济、社会、环境、政治和军事等不同方面的理论和实践活动在西方的出现和发展,并造就了西方人生活现状的那些最根本的理想或信念。 “对西方意识形态的批判”意味着,在本书作者看来,那些最根本的理想或信念并不完美,并不自洽,而且,不仅有必要也同样有可能变得更完美。 “对西方意识形态的建设性批判”则意味着,本书的重点并不是“批判”而是“建设”。这种建设性批判,主要涉及到两个极为重要的理想或信念的不自洽和不完美,其中一个是“存在”,另一个便是“上帝”。 至于书名中的“存在或上帝”,说的不仅是“存在”和“上帝” 的不自洽、不完美,说的不仅是使这两个概念更完美的必要性与可能性,说的不仅是使它们同一或统一的可能性与必要性,同时亦向读者提示了贯彻本书始终的那…Read more
  •  452
    Against ideas of dualism, logocentrism, anthropocentrism, animism, panpsychism, biocentrism, neurocentrism, foundationalism, computationalism, especially substantialism, reductionism and even physicalism, the author argues that life may be the only non-reductive concept, even the only ontological concept, with which we may explain our consciousness, intelligence and language. Life, as defined in this article, explains but not only human brains, and even not only biological organisms. Still, th…Read more
  •  379
    Based on the ontological proposition, “life is the only attribute of mind, and mind also the only attribute of life”, a model of the human mind is hypothesized in this article. It may be deduced from the proposition and the model: 1. All the structures of a brain are the potentials of its intelligence. 2. Consciousness is only the language used in the communication of an awakened brain. 3. Qualia are the same mental language manipulated by different memories. 4. Life is the only meaning of all m…Read more
  •  356
    God is free. If free, God certainly hates being omniscient, omnipotent, eternal and perfection. If God hates so, ....
  •  259
    With this article, the author argues that in reality nothing is or isn’t itself, that everything is both a relative proof and an absolute proof of God’s existence, and that our language, such as “nature” or “god”, is the only obstacle between Nature and God.
  •  258
    “Being” or “being and beings” might be the meta-notion when philosophy and science were still sharing the same mind or minds in ancient Greek and Europe. To find its meaning and to become a part of the meaning are however more and more vital nowadays, not for philosophy but for science, especially for physics and biology. The author proposes in this essay that this concept may mean to us nothing more or less than the unity or unification of Parmenides’ idea “being is one” and Heraclitus’ idea…Read more
  •  206
    Scientism denies change and creation in science, and humanism denies change and creation in humanity. They leave no room for freedom, equality and fraternity. The paper is written as the deconstruction of both scientism and humanism.
  •  171
    It seems to the author that, though it is possible to reach an explanation of consciousness, there is no direct way for us to go. In other words, the author believes that, only through a detour, through an understanding of everything outside mind, we may and can and will finally reach an understanding of those inside. The author tries in this article to discuss some details of such a detour, first from the understanding of Being and being, universe and life, organism and human, and finally to …Read more
  •  158
    We may never understand what the phrase “human being” means if we do not try to understand ontological meaning of the concept “Being” or “being” or “beings”. With two essays presented together, the author tries to explain not only this concept but also its ontological consequence to other concepts such as “universe”, “life”, “organism”, “human” and “human mind”.
  •  153
    Scientism denies change and creation in science, and humanism denies change and creation in humanity. They leave no room for freedom, equality and fraternity. This book is written as the deconstruction of both scientism and humanism.
  •  132
    Consciousness and its meaning, ontologically
    Biocosmology - Neo-Aristotelism 13 (Yearly Issue): 41-60. 2023.
    The author argues that consciousness and its meaning may only be defined and explained within an ontological system. Such a system is proposed in this article, with matter, energy, and life as its components, and with all its components defined as changes. The systematic relations between matter and energy and the semantic relations among all its components together may define and explain what and how consciousness is, why there is consciousness, where and when it may occur, and what is its sign…Read more
  •  130
    With this article, the author argues that in reality nothing is or isn’t itself, that everything is both a relative proof and an absolute proof of God’s existence, and that our language, such as “nature” or “god”, is the only obstacle between Nature and God.
  •  117
    Against the divide between continental and analytic philosophies, this article means to say: 1. All understanding = ontology + language, 2. Ontology = O + C (such as the unity of Parmenides’ one and Heraclitus’ change), and 3. OC = Nature or God. In other words, OC is the only meaning of all and every language.
  •  93
    The main idea of this article is: “Being” might mean nothing more or less than Parmenides’ one in Heraclitus’ flux. He holds that the one and the flux are the same in reality. And we may not experience Heraclitus’ flux if without the one and can also not understand Parmenides’ one if without the flux. 在作者看来,释迦牟尼所说的“涅槃”、赫拉克利特所说的“流变”、巴门尼德所说的“同一”和高尔吉亚所说的“无物”,共同组成着一个抱负“物人同一”信念的概念系统。本文则试图用十四个假设来勾勒这一系统的基本结构,并间接地道出他们对实体哲学理念和主体哲学理念的反驳。
  •  44
    From Everything outside Mind to Those Inside
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 44 87-97. 2008.
    Author tried in this paper to deduce the principles of subjective world from some new concepts on objective world. I believe, through a full understanding of the objective world, we may easily approach to a general understanding of our subjective world – the human mind itself. One of the major obstacles to achieving this goal is that we still do not have a theoretical system that can describe both the worlds with the same concepts. In this paper I will put forward some of such concepts first and…Read more
  •  30
    Philosophical Theory of Everything
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17 175-191. 2008.
  •  30
    The Interaction between Mental Energy and Memory
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 42 273-279. 2008.
    In his paper, From Everything Outside Mind To Those Inside, submitted also to WCP 2008, the author put forward an idea that the existence of a human mind might generally be understood as either the interaction between circulating mental energies and living memories or results of the interaction. A further discussion on the details of this interaction is presented in this paper. The interaction may be divided into instinctive activities and intellective activities that may be further divided into…Read more