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    Boolean-Valued Models of Set Theory with Urelements
    with Bokai Yao
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (2): 203-227. 2024.
    We explore Boolean-valued models of set theory with a class of urelements. In an existing construction, which we call UB, every urelement is its own B-name. We prove the fundamental theorem of UB in the context of ZFUR (i.e., ZF with urelements formulated with Replacement). In particular, UB is shown to preserve Replacement and hence ZFUR. Moreover, UB can both destroy axioms, such as the DCω1-scheme, and recover axioms, such as the Collection Principle. One drawback of UB is that it does not pe…Read more
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    Boolean Valued Models, Boolean Valuations, and Löwenheim-Skolem Theorems
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (1): 293-330. 2023.
    Boolean-valued models for first-order languages generalize two-valued models, in that the value range is allowed to be any complete Boolean algebra instead of just the Boolean algebra 2. Boolean-valued models are interesting in multiple aspects: philosophical, logical, and mathematical. The primary goal of this paper is to extend a number of critical model-theoretic notions and to generalize a number of important model-theoretic results based on these notions to Boolean-valued models. For instan…Read more
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    Boolean-Valued Models and Their Applications
    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4): 533-533. 2022.
    Boolean-valued models generalize classical two-valued models by allowing arbitrary complete Boolean algebras as value ranges. The goal of my dissertation is to study Boolean-valued models and explore their philosophical and mathematical applications.In Chapter 1, I build a robust theory of first-order Boolean-valued models that parallels the existing theory of two-valued models. I develop essential model-theoretic notions like “Boolean-valuation,” “diagram,” and “elementary diagram,” and prove a…Read more
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    Boolean Mereology
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (3): 731-766. 2023.
    Most ordinary objects - cats, humans, mountains, ships, tables, etc. - have indeterminate mereological boundaries. If the theory of mereology is meant to include ordinary objects at all, we need it to have some space for mereological indeterminacy. In this paper, we present a novel degree-theoretic semantics - Boolean semantics - and argue that it is the best degree-theoretic semantics for modeling mereological indeterminacy, for three main reasons: (a) it allows for incomparable degrees of part…Read more