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    Background: Optical Doppler tomography combines laser Doppler flowmetry with optical coherence tomography to obtain high-resolution images of blood flow in human skin in situ and in real time. Observations: We present a case in which ODT was used on a patient with a port-wine stain birth-mark to document the change of blood flow in response to laser therapy. It might be possible to use ODT blood flow measurements in situ to assist in assessing the efficacy of laser PWS therapy. If partial restor…Read more
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    Deformation twinning in boron carbide particles within nanostructured Al 5083/B4C metal matrix composites
    with Y. Li, W. Liu, Z. H. Zhang, R. G. Vogt, E. J. Lavernia, and J. M. Schoenung
    Philosophical Magazine 90 (6): 783-792. 2010.
  • Machine learning based privacy-preserving fair data trading in big data market
    with Y. Yu, Y. Li, G. Han, and X. Du
    Information Sciences 478. 2019.
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    Intention beyond desire: Spontaneous intentional commitment regulates conflicting desires
    with Shaozhe Cheng, Minglu Zhao, Ning Tang, Jifan Zhou, Mowei Shen, and Tao Gao
    Cognition 238 (C): 105513. 2023.
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    Zhuangzi: kai kuo hun tong de jing shen shi jie
    Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. 2014.
    在連續不斷、無區隔、無裂隙的世界觀中,天地與我並生,萬物與我為一。 周文化的主流,講求階級身分之責任義務、嚴守人我是非之限界秩序。 非主流的莊子卻說,窮盡智識分辨事物其實不智,只是勞神而無功。 如果能夠拋開成心和偏好,立於無彼無此的道之樞紐上看待萬事萬物, 世上的一切就都有了道理,都有了自身之常、自身之用,這就是通達。 楊照讀莊子, 引入傳統中國哲學裡被忽視的邏輯分析, 將前人難以理解的細密哲思一一梳理清晰, 為我們展示出莊子開闊混同的精神世界。 拋開冷硬的課文題解,穿過層層的過度解讀, 楊照經典講堂以最貼近歷史真實的讀法, 帶你一次讀懂兩千年前的漢語經典! 最平易的語言、最扎實的分析 打破時空限制,直接從原典文句汲取千年智慧 提供最立即的知識趣味 楊照全程領讀、解讀,漢語經典完全解碼 台灣新品種文庫版,隨身伴讀.
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    Mozi: shu min she hui de zhu zhang
    Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu you xian gong si. 2014.
    儒家思想向來於以封建禮教為核心的西周文化備加推崇,認為這套思想是平治天下的基本原則,如果世局動盪不安,必然是由於人們棄絕封建禮教之故。 儒家思想代表人物孔子,終其一生的志業就是重振禮教以匡正時局。 墨子出身於庶民階級,卻主張封建禮教本身就是動亂的根源,封建一日不除,天下無一日太平。 雄辯滔滔的墨子,以「兼愛」為武器向儒家陣營發動猛烈攻擊,反覆衝撞層層壁壘,批判封建禮教支持者言行不一、矛盾可笑。 墨家不是只會辯論,他們同樣重視身體力行,墨子提出「非攻」主張,也親自帶領門徒為實踐信念而奔走於國際之間,用行動證明,在那樣的亂世中,墨家的主張確實有其合理性,也深具價值。 拋開冷硬的課文題解,穿過層層的過度解讀, 楊照經典講堂以最貼近歷史真實的讀法, 帶你一次讀懂兩千年前的漢語經典! 最平易的語言、最扎實的分析 打破時空限制,直接從原典文句汲取千年智慧 提供最立即的知識趣味 楊照全程領讀、解讀,漢語經典完全解碼 台灣新品種文庫版,隨身伴讀.
  • Xunzi: ru xue zhu liu zhen zheng de su zao zhe
    Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu you xian gong si. 2014.
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    As a part of user experience, user emotion has rarely been studied in mobile libraries. Specifically, with the proposed emotional model in combination with the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Emotion Model and the Five Factor Model, we evaluate user emotions on the mobile library’s three IS features. An experience procedure with three tasks has been designed to collect data. 50 participants were enrolled, and they were asked to fill in questionnaires right after the experience. The correlations among…Read more
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    The possibilities and limits of AI in Chinese judicial judgment
    with Zichun Xu and Zhongwen Deng
    AI and Society 37 (4): 1601-1611. 2022.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to the judicial field, which dramatically improves judicial efficiency and may even change the judiciary's way. The concept of judicial justice in the information age has a natural affinity with artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence continues to make breakthroughs in judicial data sorting and deep learning knowledge, judicial artificial intelligence has gradually become a reality. Artificial intell…Read more
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    Prediction and Application of Computer Simulation in Time-Lagged Financial Risk Systems
    with Hui Wang, Runzhe Liu, and Xiaohui Du
    Complexity 2021 1-10. 2021.
    Based on the existing financial system risk models, a set of time-lag financial system risk models is established considering the influence brought by time-lag factors on the financial risk system, and the dynamical behavior of this system is analyzed by using chaos theory. Through Matlab simulation, the bifurcation diagram and phase diagram of time-lag risk intensity and control intensity are plotted. The analysis shows that this kind of time-lag financial system risk model has complex dynamic …Read more
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    Circle-Based Ratio Loss for Person Reidentification
    with Jiehao Liu, Tie Liu, Li Wang, and Sai Zhao
    Complexity 2020 1-11. 2020.
    Person reidentification aims to recognize a specific pedestrian from uncrossed surveillance camera views. Most re-id methods perform the retrieval task by comparing the similarity of pedestrian features extracted from deep learning models. Therefore, learning a discriminative feature is critical for person reidentification. Many works supervise the model learning with one or more loss functions to obtain the discriminability of features. Softmax loss is one of the widely used loss functions in r…Read more
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    Synchronous bidirectional inference for neural sequence generation
    with Jiajun Zhang, Long Zhou, and Chengqing Zong
    Artificial Intelligence 281 (C): 103234. 2020.
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    Forming and implementing community advisory boards in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
    with Thomas Fitzpatrick, Bin Wan, Suzanne Day, Allison Mathews, and Joseph D. Tucker
    BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1): 1-11. 2019.
    Background Community advisory boards have expanded beyond high-income countries and play an increasing role in low- and middle-income country research. Much research has examined CABs in HICs, but less is known about CABs in LMICs. The purposes of this scoping review are to examine the creation and implementation of CABs in LMICs, including identifying frequently reported challenges, and to discuss implications for research ethics. Methods We searched five databases for publications describing o…Read more
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    Live Cells Exert 3-Dimensional Traction Forces on Their Substrata
    with S. S. Hur, Y. S. Li, E. Botvinick, and S. Chien
    The traction forces exerted by an adherent cell on a substrate have been studied only in the two-dimensions tangential to substrate surface. We developed a novel technique to measure the three-dimensional traction forces exerted by live bovine aortic endothelial cells on polyacrylamide deformable substrate. On 3D images acquired by confocal microscopy, displacements were determined with image-processing programs, and traction forces in tangential and normal directions were computed by finite ele…Read more
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    Huan yuan yan hua lun: chong du Daerwen "Wu zhong qi yuan"
    Cheng bang wen hua shi ye you xian gong si. 2009.