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    Charge density wave transition in single-layer titanium diselenide
    with P. Chen, X. Y. Fang, Y. Zhang, M. Y. Chou, S. K. Mo, Z. Hussain, A. V. Fedorov, and T. C. Chiang
    © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.A single molecular layer of titanium diselenide is a promising material for advanced electronics beyond graphene - a strong focus of current research. Such molecular layers are at the quantum limit of device miniaturization and can show enhanced electronic effects not realizable in thick films. We show that single-layer TiSe2 exhibits a charge density wave transition at critical temperature TC =232±5 K, which is higher than the bulk TC =20…Read more
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    © The Author 2016.Charge density wave formation, a key physics issue for materials, arises from interactions among electrons and phonons that can also lead to superconductivity and other competing or entangled phases. The prototypical system TiSe 2, with a particularly simple transition and no Kohn anomalies caused by electron-phonon coupling, is a fascinating but unsolved case after decades of research. Our angle-resolved photoemission measurements of the band structure as a function of tempera…Read more
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    Dimensional Effects on the Charge Density Waves in Ultrathin Films of TiSe 2
    with P. Chen, M. H. Wong, X. Y. Fang, M. Y. Chou, S. K. Mo, Z. Hussain, A. V. Fedorov, and T. C. Chiang
    © 2016 American Chemical Society.Charge density wave formation in solids is a critical phenomenon involving the collective reorganization of the electrons and atoms in the system into a wave structure, and it is expected to be sensitive to the geometric constraint of the system at the nanoscale. Here, we study the CDW transition in TiSe2, a quasi-two-dimensional layered material, to determine the effects of quantum confinement and changing dimensions in films ranging from a single layer to multi…Read more