•  31
    Should Corporations Have A Right To Finance Political Campaigns?
    Law and Ethics of Human Rights 11 (1): 89-118. 2017.
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    Multiculturalism and the Mass Media
    Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1): 169-212. 2007.
    In light of the importance of culture for the autonomy, sense of identity, and self-respect of individuals, cultural minorities have a right that their cultures flourish. Since cultural minorities are frequently in a disadvantaged position in the cultural market-place, a commitment to equality implies that the state ought to take steps to assist these minorities in preserving their cultures. This Article examines the ways the mass media can assist cultural minorities in preserving their cultures…Read more
  • Three Essays on Toleration
    Dissertation, The University of Chicago. 1998.
    This dissertation looks at several arguments for toleration, which have been made by modern liberals. It examines the possibility of finding an argument for toleration, which will be universally applicable, i.e. will convince everyone. In the first essay the arguments of Thomas Nagel, John Rawls and J. S. Mill are discussed. I demonstrate how these arguments work only if a commitment to certain values, such as the importance of autonomous choice by individuals, is presupposed. ;In the second ess…Read more
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    Advertisements, stereotypes, and freedom of expression
    with Moshe Cohen-Eliya
    Journal of Social Philosophy 35 (2). 2004.