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    Ethics of Deep Brain Stimulation in Adolescent Patients with Refractory Tourette Syndrome: a Systematic Review and Two Case Discussions
    with A. Leentjens, L. Ackermans, G. Wert, C. Verdellen, D. Horstkötter, A. Duits, and Anouk Smeets
    Neuroethics 11 (2): 143-155. 2018.
    Introduction Tourette Syndrome is a childhood onset disorder characterized by vocal and motor tics and often remits spontaneously during adolescence. For treatment refractory patients, Deep Brain Stimulation may be considered. Methods and Results We discuss ethical problems encountered in two adolescent TS patients treated with DBS and systematically review the literature on the topic. Following surgery one patient experienced side effects without sufficient therapeutic effects and the stimulato…Read more