• Épistémologie et intelligence artificielle
    In André Lacroix (ed.), La philosophie pratique, Les Presses De L’université De Laval. pp. 109-127. 2020.
  • Les opérateurs épistémiques
    RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 8 81-86. 2014.
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    Un marco epistemológico para el conocimiento indígena
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 4 47-62. 2015.
    This paper presents an epistemological framework capable of addressing the opposition between indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge, an opposition widespread in anthropology especially in relation to the problem of sustainable development. In the first part of the paper, we provide a contextualist framework that satisfies two constraints: a priori neutrality with respect to forms, or types, of knowledge, and explicitness of the conditions with respect to the possibility of knowledge tran…Read more
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    An Epistemological Framework for Indigenous Knowledge
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 4 47-62. 2014.
    This paper presents an epistemological framework capable of addressing the opposition between indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge, an opposition widespread in anthropology especially in relation to the problem of sustainable development. In the first part of the paper, we provide a contextualist framework that satisfies two constraints: a priori neutrality with respect to forms, or types, of knowledge, and explicitness of the conditions with respect to the possibility of knowledge tran…Read more
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    Calcul en logique du premier ordre
    Presses de l'Université du Québec. 2015.
    Un calcul logique, au sens large, est une méthode de résolution appliquée au traitement d'une structure propositionnelle. Les propositions constituant cette structure peuvent aussi bien être des expressions d'une langue naturelle (comme le français) que des expressions d'un langage formalisé (comme l'arithmétique), liées entre elles par une dépendance de nature fonctionnelle. Cet ouvrage constitue une introduction à deux outils de calcul en logique du premier ordre, soit le calcul en arbres de c…Read more
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    Dretske and Informational Closure
    Minds and Machines 32 (2): 311-322. 2022.
    Christoph Jäger has argued that Dretske’s information-based account of knowledge is committed to both knowledge and information closure under known entailment. However, in a reply to Jäger, Dretske defended his view on the basis of a discrepancy between the relation of information and the relation of logical implication. This paper shares Jäger’s criticism that Dretske’s externalist notion of information implies closure, but provides an analysis based on different grounds. By means of a distinct…Read more
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    Wittgenstein and Dretske on Knowledge and Certainty
    International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 6 (2-3): 260-273. 2016.
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    KK-Thesis and Contextualism
    Polish Journal of Philosophy 9 (2): 19-39. 2015.
    In this paper, I defend a contextualist reading of the KK-thesis. In the first part, I present the general problem and I contrast three concepts of knowledge with respect to the KK-thesis, (Hintikka, Lemmon, and Williamson) that all rely on a univocal interpretation of the K-predicate. In the second part, I provide a contextualist framework based upon an indexical interpretation of the K-predicate and the notion of epistemic context. I show how this framework can integrate different concepts of …Read more
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    The general principle of epistemic closure stipulates that epistemic properties are transmissible through logical means. According to this principle, an epistemic operator, say ε, should satisfy any valid scheme of inference, such as: if ε(p entails q), then ε(p) entails ε(q). The principle of epistemic closure under known entailment (ECKE), a particular instance of epistemic closure, has received a good deal of attention since the last thirty years or so. ECKE states that: if one knows that p e…Read more
  • Le Holisme Epistemologique Dans la "Critique de la Raison Pure" de Kant
    Dissertation, Universite de Montreal (Canada). 1997.
    Cette etude a pour but d'etablir que l'epistemologie developpee par Kant dans la Critique de la raison pure est holiste. Pour ce faire, nous construirons, dans la Partie I, un cadre conceptuel permettant de definir ce qui peut caracteriser un systeme holiste. La Partie II sera consacree a l'examen de la Critique de la raison pure selon ce cadre conceptuel. Enfin, apres avoir montre que les developpements epistemologiques majeurs de la premiere Critique satisfont les conditions du cadre holiste, …Read more
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    The foundationalism–coherentism opposition revisited: The case for complementarism (review)
    Foundations of Science 12 (4): 325-336. 2007.
    In this paper, I show the complementarity of foundationalism and coherentism with respect to any efficient system of beliefs by means of a distinction between two types of proposition drawn from an analogy with an axiomatic system. This distinction is based on the way a given proposition is acknowledged as true, either by declaration (F-proposition) or by preservation (C-proposition). Within such a perspective, i.e., epistemological complementarism, not only can one see how the usual opposition …Read more
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    Le modèle tout-partie dans l'ontologie de Louis Lavelle
    Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 351-378. 1999.
  • Deductive Closure and Epistemic Context
    Logique Et Analyse 54 (216): 439-451. 2011.