Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Temple University
- PhD
- Metaphysics and Epistemology, Metaphysics of Mind, Philosophy of Mind, Downward Causation, René Descartes, General Philosophy of Science, Evidence and Knowledge, Observation in Science
- PhD, 2014
- Aesthetics, Aesthetics and Culture, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Visual Art, Philosophy of Specific Arts, Misc, Food and Drink Aesthetics, Fashion, Architecture, Intellectual Property Rights
- PhD, 2019
- 19th Century German Philosophy, Friedrich Nietzsche, Feminist Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Literature, Value Theory
- PhD, 1976
- Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Applied Ethics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic
- PhD, 2019
- Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, 19th Century Philosophy, 20th Century Continental Philosophy
- PhD, 2003
- Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, 20th Century Philosophy
- PhD, 2010
- Philosophy of Mind, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Music, Imagination, Imagination and Imagery