Department Members
Department Activity
Also at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Regular Faculty
- Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, General Philosophy of Science, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language
- Professor
- Applied Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Professional Ethics
- Regular Faculty
- Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Miscellaneous, Metaphysics, Logic in Philosophy, Dialetheism
- Associate Professor
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, 20th Century Philosophy
- Regular Faculty
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
- Regular Faculty
- The Contents of Perception, The Perceptual Relation, The Nature of Perceptual Experience, Science of Perception, Perception and the Mind, Perceptual Knowledge, Perceptual Qualities, Aspects of Perception, Philosophy of Perception, General
- Regular Faculty
- 20th Century Philosophy, European Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
- Professor
- History of Western Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions
- Assistant Professor
- Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Political Theory, Ancient Greek Political Philosophy